Should I drink a cup of Oil?!

Question: Me and my buddies are thinking of being daring and seeing what would happen if I drank a cup of Oil, what would happen? Should I do it?

Answers: Me and my buddies are thinking of being daring and seeing what would happen if I drank a cup of Oil, what would happen? Should I do it?

Your choice, but _definately_ have a video camera running to catch the reactions.

what kind of oil
and no you shouldnt

It'll make you very sick. Unless it kills you. Not a smart idea.

whats the bet?

Dont dare its not good.

Are you a Retard?

If your relatively healthy it will not have any long term adverse effects on your over all health nor will it elevate your cholesterol level after 72 hours. (if you do a cholesterol check prior to this you might see a false positive in elevation and a scewed ratio of HDL to LDL breakdown) However, you will most likely get nauseaus initially and then have a follow-up of diarrhea. Providing you keep it down without vomiting it up first.

what sort of oil?
Are you talking about car oil? That's really stupid.

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