Really really bad hangovers?!

Question: The other day I drank a lot... than the day after, not only had a few hour hangover like was normal earlier in my life, I was throwing up the whole day until 1000 PM the next night. I threw up the night I drank too. Blah blah blah I shouldn't drink so much (And I'm stopping as of now) but what was up with that?? (ohh yeah it was cheap foreign Russian Vodka too.... thank peace

Answers: The other day I drank a lot... than the day after, not only had a few hour hangover like was normal earlier in my life, I was throwing up the whole day until 1000 PM the next night. I threw up the night I drank too. Blah blah blah I shouldn't drink so much (And I'm stopping as of now) but what was up with that?? (ohh yeah it was cheap foreign Russian Vodka too.... thank peace

That sounds awful. Every person's body reacts differently to alcohol. I tend to have awful hangovers regardless of the amount I drink when I am consuming cheap alcohol. For me, sleep, tylenol, and water work best for getting rid of a nasty hangover. I've found an article that you might want to check out for the next time you go out drinking...maybe it will even help you now.

What is up with that? Try drinking a Pepsi and taking 2 aspirin before you go to sleep. It used to help me when I used to get drunk.

Drink lots of fresh orange juice (full of vitamin c)
P.S. Don't buy cheap drink you never know what's really in it??

hangovers are usually caused by dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic and makes you pee... losing water. If you are puking... you are loosing even more water. Drink a water before going to bed and start your new day with something like gator aide. This replenishes your water, and also gives you electrolytes that will help as well. As for the cheap vodka... it is not scientifically proved by any means... but generally the top shelf stuff is not as hard on your system as the cheaper stuff... (this comes from years of bar tending) granted if you drink too much, it wont matter how expensive the liquor is, but I have seen more people fall prey to getting sick on the cheap stuff over the years. Many people have a dis-tolerance for certain liquors too.... many for example can drink all night long - but give them one shot of tequila and they are done. Perhaps the cheap vodka is your tequila. Find out the brand - and stay away from it.

you should have drink some water or coffee before going to bed

best cure ever, before you go to bed, eat a piece of bread and drink a glass of water.(and if your mixing, finish with a beer) If that doesn't work, drink a powerade, or eat something greasy and salty, like macdonalds. always helps

Hangovers are caused by your body being dehydrated and impurities in the alchohol.

OJ is a good start on a hangover day and while you're at it, put some vodka in it. One or two shots is good for the dog that bite you, but don't over do it.

OJ is good because it has electrolytes that you lost while making offerings to the porcelein altar.

But to prevent hangovers, eat some food BEFORE you start drinking and drink at least four cups of water beforehand also. Pizza or other greasy food is best, since the grease slows down the metabolization of the alchohol. Both go through your liver and the liver processes the oil first.

But the Russian Vodka can be bad news. Unless it's REAL Stolies, it can have some nasty chems in it. I've had horrific hangovers from Azerbajiani Conjac(?) from just one or two shots. They say it has formaldehyde in it.

sleep and sleep

I have found that alternating a glass of water inbetween drinks really helps. Your hangover comes from dehydration although it sounds like you may have had alcohol poisoning.

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