Anyone know how to dry meat stock?!

Question: I make dry sauce to send to friends, etc. I know how to make the stock, but can you tell me how to reduce it to granules that ship better and cheaper than the stock? Wylers is too salty and broth is much thinner than stock (mine comes out like jelly after refrigerating the remove the grease). Quite a few of my friends and family have restricted diets and I want to ship small amounts for their diet without huge shipping cost.

Answers: I make dry sauce to send to friends, etc. I know how to make the stock, but can you tell me how to reduce it to granules that ship better and cheaper than the stock? Wylers is too salty and broth is much thinner than stock (mine comes out like jelly after refrigerating the remove the grease). Quite a few of my friends and family have restricted diets and I want to ship small amounts for their diet without huge shipping cost.

I believe most of those are freeze-dried, and have tons of salt in them specifically to preserve the actual meat proteins.

I'm not sure, you _might_ be able to do it just by boiling till it's thick and then try a dehydrator from there, but I'm not sure if I'd trust the end result to not have some kind of funk growing in it.

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