Should i throw up?!

Question: ok so i had way to much 2 drink last night, i stopped at about 11pm and its now like.. 8:20pm the next day
i still feel like absolute **** and all day i have felt like im going to throw up
a tiny bit of sick came up my throat but not much. i hav had loads of water and some food. its like my body is tellin me i need to b sick coz it kinda keeps goin up a tiny bit

should i just make myself sick n then drink lots of water? i cant stand it
n yes i hav learnt my lesson i wont be drinking again, n if i do drink one day ill never get drunk lol

Answers: ok so i had way to much 2 drink last night, i stopped at about 11pm and its now like.. 8:20pm the next day
i still feel like absolute **** and all day i have felt like im going to throw up
a tiny bit of sick came up my throat but not much. i hav had loads of water and some food. its like my body is tellin me i need to b sick coz it kinda keeps goin up a tiny bit

should i just make myself sick n then drink lots of water? i cant stand it
n yes i hav learnt my lesson i wont be drinking again, n if i do drink one day ill never get drunk lol

letting yourself throw up is going to make you feel better, but, make sure you drink a lot of water that will help with the hangover.

yes, throwing up always makes me feel 110% better.

it's a hangover effect. it'll pass in a few days

Well, I would eat some bread first, to soak up some alcohol, then throw up...drink lots of water, before and after....and I've been there, done drunk again....LOL

i would totally just let yourself throw up. i did when i was hungover and i felt soooooo much better. gets all the alcohol out if your system

I would not since you ate but u could of before, it will take awhile and you will feel better. Throwup contains so much acid and that rots your teeth, u could also take the chance of it hurting your stomach plus you need the food and water

do as you like
your stupid actions are CLEAR to us...
What are you going to do NOW about tomorrow or down the road..

the only thing that ever cures my hangovers is to throw up first. then take ibuprofen chased with pickle juice (yes, pickle juice....something about the vinegar helps). dry toast, and a wet cloth over ur eyes til the headache passes. if u drink too much water before u get the alcohol out of ur system it will make u sicker

I think it's very individual, if barfing actually helps.

One thing, I will reccomend: if you decide to throw up, brush your teeth well afterwards. The stomac acid is really hard on the teeth ..

If your going to be sick do it, I wouldn't recommend induceing it insted let it come natrual.

Best of all ... learn from it so you don't feel like crap the next day, the next time you drink.

stick your finger down your throat and get it over with!! You will feel much better, I would try to stay away from the water or liquids for a while, i know your body is screaming for it, but sometimes it only makes you sicker,

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