Dehydrated... but keep being sick?!

Question: I overindulged a bit with the vino last night, and am currently being hit with the most horrendous hangover!!!

I am severely dehydrated but whenever I try and rehydrate myself (even drinking water) I throw up 5 or 10 mins later.

Please don't answer with the "drink before you go to bed"etc as clearly, I am beyond that stage now, and telling me that won't help me - I have already taken this on board to avoid future recurrences.

Answers: I overindulged a bit with the vino last night, and am currently being hit with the most horrendous hangover!!!

I am severely dehydrated but whenever I try and rehydrate myself (even drinking water) I throw up 5 or 10 mins later.

Please don't answer with the "drink before you go to bed"etc as clearly, I am beyond that stage now, and telling me that won't help me - I have already taken this on board to avoid future recurrences.

Everyone has had a hangover and it can be bad sometimes. I know the extremely dehydrated state though where you cant keep ANYTHING down. It'll take a lot of rest (though I couldn't even sleep because I kept throwing up), slowly drinking water and most likely throwing it up again, tea, toast or dry bread, and just waiting for it to pass. You are past hangover and are actually ill. If you cant get to a pharmacy for rehydrating mix or salts whatnot, then do as the previous answerer and perhaps add a bit of salt to your water as well. You'll be spending today indoors though, praying to the porcelain god! Put on a movie and have a bucket ready! Good luck!

Take fluids slowly, don't just gulp them down! Take lots of frequent sips. How about warm water with a slice of lemon? Or, if you're really dehydrated, and have lost a lot of salts from puking up, mix a little salt and sugar in the water as well. You can get special powders from the chemist, to replace lost salts from being sick as well.

Just keep on with the water, or try and eat some foods high in liquid content - melon or apples, or try some soup.

Lesson learned!

just keep sipping away at the water you will eventually be able to keep some of it down,i know it self inflicted but we have all been there,feel better

Umm am in the same state here!!! My head hurts!

Just forced down a banana - and planning toast in a bit. You need to get something in your stomach!

small sips often should do the trick, or suck on an ice cube or ice pole

just keep sipping on water poor you but it is fun getting yourself into that state ive done it on more than a few occasions

alot of dried food like bread often works for me to soak up all that alcohol

I felt the same through red(without the sick)I feel better after a
milky coffee though.

im sorry your feeling awful,ive been there many times,i find dry toast and a cup of coffee or tea settles my stomach and take a painkiller for your head hun.hope you feel better soon.....;-)

oh!you poor thing! i′d give dramamine a try.take it with just a gulp of water hopefully it will stay down.then just wait in bed, someone said eventually the water will stay in your stomach.then try pedialite and clamato or v8 with tons of lime juice.just have some light soup when you feel better.i would not have anything greasy as some recommend.soup add rice or crakers with ham.feel better!!!

when you drink water you are getting yourself drunk again so best thing to do is eat some dry toast or a plain buscuit slow then take sips of water every now and again.
Take some painkillers and have a lay down for a sleep if you can your body will recover but slow.

try some warm ginger ale or warm gatorade......... i usually drink smart water as it replaces the electrolytes.....

Chicken noodle soup, you need the salt and water and protein and carbs...but don't sip it hot (because I'm sure you have the major shakes)...let it cool down nicely (even cold works)...and promise yourself to remember this adventure next time you decide to have (if ever) another overindulgence of the vino...we've all been are not alone!! LOL

Know the feeling!!
Eat some dry toast, and sip hot weak tea.
The older you get the longer it takes to get rid of hangover.
Will we ever learn??

Oooh.. I've been there! Unfortunately all you can really do is keep trying with the water and let it pass. Eventually you will be able to keep some of it down. Last time I was that bad I couldn't eat anything for the whole day and it took several hours before I could even keep water down.

try coffee, crackers and sardine it worked for me

You could have a virus and it might not be all down to the drink. I would go to a and e - you might have to swallow humble pie, but not to be able to hold down water is not normal. Even for a hangover. And if you dehydrated anyway, it is vital you get treated.

This happened to me and I was ignored for 3 days solid, told that I had been drinking because I smelled of it. However when they finally took me into hospital it was discovered that far from having drunk I had a chest infection and diabetes!! Half an hour later and I would have gone into a coma! Diabetes makes you smell and feel as though you have had too much, but infact the smell is ketoacidosis. The body tries to get rid of ketones, by being sick. Get yourself checked.

Yeah...that sucks. Just keep trying. It makes puking a lot easier if you have something to throw up, so you are better off getting the water down.

I can usually get Peptobismol down when I get like that, and it helps.

take spicy food force yourself then puke one last time. and you will s.l.o.w.l.y feel better. hot spicy soup. or maybe just try to take some minty sweets and get back to sleep. when you wake up again you will feel better.

Try an isotonic drink like Lucozade

stay away from water...drink sweet tea and sip lucozade sport. if it continues get checked for diabetes

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