Someone explain to me how alcohol is better than marijuana?!

Question: someone explain to me how alcohol is better than marijuana

Answers: someone explain to me how alcohol is better than marijuana

It's not. Pot can't kill you, alcohol can. You can't be addicted to pot or go crazy, but alcohol you can.

I don't know how our society has made alcohol okay, and pot is bad...but one day I hope that changes. Pot is an anti-nausea, alcohol causes dizzyness and nausea. It's VERY hard to want to go out and drive on pot, meanwhile, crazy people are always driving drunk and killing people.

Alcohol is actually the gateway drug for kids, but people don't consider it the gateway because it's not considered a drug. It is just a societal norm that alcohol is okay because for some reason it is legal, but pot is not, for another odd reason. I do not smoke pot, or have any affiliation with it, but my senior thesis is on it and how it should be made legal. Pot can help with cancer patients and even help pain, but what can alcohol do? Nothing but make you drunk and pass out.

You should watch the alcohol and pot debate on comedy central, they just premiered it. Pot won btw.

Well, for starters, it's legal.

They both have upsides and downsides. Pot causes emphysema, and can contribute to lung cancer, just like cigarettes do.

Alcohol can eat your liver alive, and contribute to mouth, espophagial, and stomach cancers.

BOTH of them are utterly unsafe to drive under the influence of, in any form.

The big bonus of Pot is that it's an anti-nausea drug, and doesn't have to be smoked. You can infuse the oil into an oxygen mask for that purpose, if they ever get around to using it medicinally, which greatly reduces the cancer and other risks associated with smoking it.

i'd only say alcohol is better because i've never had marijuana...well, besides getting high off of second hand can happen! both are bad for you! alcohol can be bought legally...alcohol taste good and makes other things taste good. being high off of second hand smoke from marijuana made me feel all happy but so does having a few drinks. um...i can't give you any real good reasons though.

Its not

People all the time die from drinking and driving
How many people do you hear of that die driving high?

Alcohol is addicting and way more expensive, it also kills your liver and you can die from drinking too much alcohol
Marijuana is NOT addicting, and there is no link to lung cancer, you CANT overdose on it

Alcohol is legal
Pot is illegal, which is dumb IMO, if cigarettes and alcohol are legal, pot should be too

As a reply to the kid above me, you can mix alcohol to make things taste good, but when your high EVERYTHING TASTES GREAT!

God is perfect,
Man is not.
Man made beer,
God made pot.

it isn't cannabis is great.

its not

just a quickie if you get pulled over with a bag of beer and a bag of pot guess which one you will get in trouble for?

Ignoring legality and health reasons, I prefer alcohol. A bottle of rum has yet to let me down, and pot just usually doesn't have that much of an effect on me.

If you are 21 and old enough to drink, alcohol is legal, sitting at the bar is one thing. But sitting in jail cause marijuana isn't! You make the call!

Alcohol is legal. As long as you don't abuse the alcohol it's not that bad for you - like beer or wine. The hard stuff like vodka whiskey can hurt you if you over do it. As far as pot you go to jail if you get caught with it- even if you don;t abuse it.

IT IS NOT !!!! But if you would like a list of how weed is better then alcohol................................. ya

actually its not, a wise person once quoted to me " I would rather be in a room full of baked guys, than in a room full of drunks who are fighting, the worst thing the baked guys would do is ask who ate the rest of the doritos!"

It is not definitely. But MJ is illegal. :-(

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