Do peoples true emotions come out when theyre drunk?!

Question: Well. i am 15 and a girl. My good guy friend was at his dads last night, and he's 15 too. Everyone got drunk (sad, i know) and he was drunk as hell with his cousin. And I was on the phone when he started getting drunk (10:30 PM) until 6am. And he was just telling me the truth how he felt about me, I don't think he was REALLY drunk, because he could still control his voice and tell me he's serious. And he said he really does actually like me and I am really really beautiful. Well, I was just wondering if people's trapped emotions or feelings come out when they're drunk
Sorry about this weird post. And I just wanted to know since I don't plan on drinking in the near future.

Answers: Well. i am 15 and a girl. My good guy friend was at his dads last night, and he's 15 too. Everyone got drunk (sad, i know) and he was drunk as hell with his cousin. And I was on the phone when he started getting drunk (10:30 PM) until 6am. And he was just telling me the truth how he felt about me, I don't think he was REALLY drunk, because he could still control his voice and tell me he's serious. And he said he really does actually like me and I am really really beautiful. Well, I was just wondering if people's trapped emotions or feelings come out when they're drunk
Sorry about this weird post. And I just wanted to know since I don't plan on drinking in the near future.

Yes usually when a person is drunk their true feelings come out. When Idrink I tell all an I mean all. One christmas( I was over 21) my dad got me blasted then started asking me about my mom(who went to beed early) messing around on him. I gave names and everything. Then another time we were camping and my aunt who I couldn't stand was there and I was always told I had to benice to her because she was my dads sister and my moms brothers wife(she left him for another guy and then came back).She was running her mouth off about my uncle and I turned around and gave her a few home truths. If I hadn't been drunk( I ended up in the bushes throwing up right after) I never would have saidwhat I did. So yes he reaally likes you. Find out when he's sober ask him.

When your drunk you tell people whatever is on your mind, so yes he is telling the truth... most likley

On this, I would have to say no. As I don't know how many times I've heard ( i love you man ) over the years from someone who had way to much to drink.. They either try to get in your good graces or go the opposite way any don't care what they say...

Yes, All my emotions come out when im drunk. I either hate someone or love them.

I think it all depends on the mood the person is in when they start drinking or if something happens while they are drinking. Sometimes however I do feel it gives people the guts to say what is on there mind when they have something to say and are afraid to say it. Just like you hear of guys getting beer muscles. They probably would not normally be a fighter but give them a few beers and say something they don't like and look out they think they could take on the world. Hope this helps!

i don't know when people are drunk they act really different, i know my boyfriend called me drunk in the middle of the night apologizing for something that he had done, but it was over with, and he wouldn't stop telling me how much he loved me. so i couldn't really tell you

its not emotions that come out its the truth comes out so yea if he was DRUNK then yea

I do believe that sometimes the truth can be told while drunk. There are those times when a boy may just want to get in your pants. Which is always!! I would just be careful what you believe because at this age guys will say they love you just to hit it. He probally does like you though.

Having seen more than enough cases of "I LOVE YOU MAN!" drunks.. not really.

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