Could i get in trouble....?!

Question: okay so if i have like a shot glass and flask in my locker at school do you think i could get in trouble? even if there is no alcohol whatsoever?

if so, any suggestions of where in my house to hide my stuff?

Answers: okay so if i have like a shot glass and flask in my locker at school do you think i could get in trouble? even if there is no alcohol whatsoever?

if so, any suggestions of where in my house to hide my stuff?

technically you could get in trouble.
but it's not like the dogs are gonna sniff out a flask and a shot glass you know? just don't let anyone see it, you should be fine.

Don't give them any reason to suspect, then they'll be watching every move you make. At home keep it hidden in your closet or somewhere only you have the key to.

Yes, you'll probably get into trouble at school because they'll assume you intend to or have been drinking. Why do you need to have this stuff anyway may I ask?

I doubt you'd get in trouble maybe a dirty look or something but who knows. And as for hiding it, get like a jewelry box with a lock, anything with a lock on it, guitar case, etc and keep it under your bed

Don't worry, of course you can't get into trouble.

you aren't allowed alcohol in the school

they cant do anything whatsoever for finding a shot glass and a flask.

Still, to be honest with you, drinking spirits out of a flask at parties isn't cool, you just end up wasted while everyone else, presumably drinking beer, is just getting started.

lay off spirits and don't drink too much of any alcohol...

Have fun!

Yes you can get done
Paraphenelia innit (spelling?)

you will for the glass alone(they may say you will try to use it as a weapon - jerks i know!), lose it and get a collapsible plastic cup instead, if you have the empty flask in school, make sure only to fill it with water or pop - anything without booze, and tell them you just like freaking others out drinking from a flask.

the purse will get it in and out of the house, but for hiding it in your room, i'd suggest checking your furniture to see where you could hide it there

but, you really should be drinking to begin with......

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