Will beer go bad if it goes from a cold temperature to warm?!

Question: I bought some beer, refrigerated it, then it got warm (about room temperature). I just re-refrigerated it. Will it taste nasty? Is it bad for beer to go from cold to warm to cold again?

Answers: I bought some beer, refrigerated it, then it got warm (about room temperature). I just re-refrigerated it. Will it taste nasty? Is it bad for beer to go from cold to warm to cold again?

The idea of beer going bad if you take it out of the fridge and let it warm and put it back again is an old wive's tale.
If done dozens of times, it can alter the taste, or possibly cause the beer to become cloudy, but that is only after doing it many many times. The problem is extremes. If you heat it, then freeze it, it will become flat and oxidized.
Oxidation is noticeable by a wet-cardboard aroma/flavor, as if cardboard boxes were left out in the rain for a few nights. It's quite unpleasant, but it is still not harmful.

I don't know how many times it has to be said. Beer becomes "skunked" when left exposed to light (UV rays). Florescent light and natural direct sunlight break down the iso-alpha acids in the hops, creating a by-product called methyl mercaptan - one of the same compounds that make up the awful odor of a skunk's spray. This is most prevalent in beers packaged in green and clear glass bottles, which offer less than 5% protection from UV rays - that's why Heineken and Corona always taste off. Brown glass offers 95% protection.

Going from cold to warm to cold, your beer will be fine... just don't make a habit of it.
And keep in mind, there are no harmful bacteria that can live in beer. Beer will not be detrimental to your health unless it is left open for a period of time, which would then attract mold, etc.


It should be fine. If you freeze a beer and then it gets warm, it will become flat. But if you just had it in the fridge its ok. My husband just told me that, I wouldn't know. I don't drink beer.

I wouldn't say it goes bad, but it will change the taste

No, not unless you open it.

Actually, if it goes from cold to room temp and then back again, it will change the flavor of the beer. It will only go bad if it has been opened. But the temp changes will have an affect, this can result in "skunk beer". it all depends on how long it was out of the cold.

Depending upon your taste, it will taste a little flat. I own breweries in Germany--There, beer is taken to work for breaks, lunch, etc., not refrigerated: therefore, we do not chill any brew making it taste the way it was brewed and does not receive chilling until it reaches the pub and sometimes beer is never chilled.

My father always said never warm beer that has been chilled.

Yes....Enough said.

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