Why do I get frequent horrible stomach aches when I drink??!

Question: When I drink alcohol I get these horrendous stomach aches. They are definately coming from my stomach area, and they hurt real bad for a while, but when they go away I can drink more. Lately they have been becoming more frequent during my evenings at the bar and I even puke during these episodes. Do I have ulcers? Or has anyone experienced this before? Please help!

PS- I always drink either malt liqours such as Mike's or Smirnoff, or I drink mixed drinks, most commonly Jagermeister and Red Bull/Diet Rockstar.

Answers: When I drink alcohol I get these horrendous stomach aches. They are definately coming from my stomach area, and they hurt real bad for a while, but when they go away I can drink more. Lately they have been becoming more frequent during my evenings at the bar and I even puke during these episodes. Do I have ulcers? Or has anyone experienced this before? Please help!

PS- I always drink either malt liqours such as Mike's or Smirnoff, or I drink mixed drinks, most commonly Jagermeister and Red Bull/Diet Rockstar.

It could be an allergic reaction to one or more ingredient in your drinks. Sometimes that will be enough to send you running for the restroom.

If you drink carbonated drinks, try drinking something that's "flat". Something like Southern Comfort and lime or an apple martini. No soda in those.

If it still happens with non-carbonated drinks, you might want to see your doctor. He/she will be able to run some tests and find out if it's an allergy or ulcers or what.

Good luck.

You probably have ulcers. If left untreated they can be fatal.

I agree with the first answer.. Go to a doctor just incase..

Do you drink on an empty stomach?

i think it is most likely ulcers i've heard of this before... and energy drinks can be damaging to stomachs, i would go see a doctor or stop drinking.

oh, my!! it means it's time to stop! do you want CIRROHSIS of the liver!! alcohol is a POISON and with time it eats away at your liver, causing it to swell, get jaundice and then death!!

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