Why don't I get drunk?!

Question: As far as background, I have had very little experience with alcohol (wine/champagne at special occasions). A month ago I had a Sprite with a shot of vodka in it, pretty much my first real drink, and I drank it in ten minutes on an empty stomach and never once felt anything but perfectly sober. Last week I had a bottle and a half of Captain Morgan wave runner (it's like 4% alcohol) and I felt nothing, and everyone around me, even people who had had less than me, said they had a buzz. Last night, at a party, I had two of the wave runners in about thirty minutes. I hadn't eaten in about five hours. Then I had two shots of Malibu. My friends who normally drink alot had the exact same amount as me and were telling me they were drunk. I swear I never even got lightheaded. My stomach hurt for a minute or two after the first wave runner but I was never queasy, never dizzy. I ended up driving myself home then and I was fully sober. I don't understand why I don't/can't get drunk or even tipsy!

Answers: As far as background, I have had very little experience with alcohol (wine/champagne at special occasions). A month ago I had a Sprite with a shot of vodka in it, pretty much my first real drink, and I drank it in ten minutes on an empty stomach and never once felt anything but perfectly sober. Last week I had a bottle and a half of Captain Morgan wave runner (it's like 4% alcohol) and I felt nothing, and everyone around me, even people who had had less than me, said they had a buzz. Last night, at a party, I had two of the wave runners in about thirty minutes. I hadn't eaten in about five hours. Then I had two shots of Malibu. My friends who normally drink alot had the exact same amount as me and were telling me they were drunk. I swear I never even got lightheaded. My stomach hurt for a minute or two after the first wave runner but I was never queasy, never dizzy. I ended up driving myself home then and I was fully sober. I don't understand why I don't/can't get drunk or even tipsy!

Well, you don't seem to have had a particularly large amount of alcohol. I'm also assuming you are normal weight, if not then that would help explaining your feelings.

When I first started drinking, I didn't understand what a buzz was until I was wasted. If you get really drunk, then you'll realize what lead up to it. Then you'll know what a buzz is for you. A buzz is not being drunk, in fact, you tend to be almost perfectly functional. It's a somewhat subtle effect, and if you don't have anything to compare it to you may not realize what it is.

So... I suggest you just start doing shots. Take a shot every 30 minutes and stop when you start stumbling. Don't go quicker than this. I made that mistake (10 shots in an hour... that was a really bad idea, had a hangover for 2 days). I also advise you to move around between shots. I was just sitting and couldn't see how drunk I really was.

im the extact same
i can drink 2 cartons of smirnoff and shots and dont get tipsy, it takes ages for me to get drunk, i usually have to drink heaps

Perhaps you should try drinking other kinds of drinks! Smirnoff ice does it for me, so does vodka & lemonade. Maybe lager or beer? or whisky/whiskey? Sambuca is good too, try a few shots of that.

hmmmm are you old enough to be drinking? It sounds like your friends may be "putting on" or acting the part like alot of kids do when they think its "cool" to be drunk. the alcohol you mentioned is not much at all. i know of no one that would be drunk after drinking that amount. If your of age, try getting a bottle whiskey and drinking shots from it. after about 5 shots you'll probably feel it after about 10 you'll know what all the fuss is about.

At my best friends wedding I drank beer the whole night. Never fazed me.
Now, I can barely handle even one beer.

Here's the thing about alcohol. It will fool you. Your head may say that your not drunk, or even the slightest bit tipsy, but you will never get by a breathalyzer test.
Be careful with that stuff, it can kill you. There is such a thing as alcohol poisoning. That happens when you drink too much.

Here's an idea, since alcohol does not openly affect you, don't bother drinking it. After all, what difference would it make?

yeeah what you mentioned really isnt that much to drink.. im pretty sure your friends were just being cool.

but then also, the less body fat/muscle you have the lower your tolerance too.

Your problem may actually be your environment. While the drinks you mentioned are not really strong drinks, they should effect you a little if you really are as "inexperienced" as you say. I can drink incredible hulks and sloe comfortable screws and bourbon n coke doubles all night and never catch a buzz if I'm not in the right environment. If I feel I may need to be a little more aware of what's going on, I will just waste a lo of good alcohol. However, if I am comfortable in my surroundings or in a place where I know I don't have to worry about some idiot doing something stupid, I'm good to go and 2 or 3 b n c doubles will be more than enough to get me on a roll. Maybe you should just try changing the crowd and see what happens.. However, as another reply said, be careful. It definitely will sneak up on you and you need to be sure that even if you don't think you have a buzz or are drunk you stay put. I learned that one the hard way. Have fun and party safe!

simple answer drink more

wow you think your hardcore after having a few drinks...try 2 shots of bacardi 151 to start, then 5 cocktails and 5 shots in no particular order and finish off with a set of rainbow shots...all within 2hours....now can you tell me if your drunk or not?

or are you already in ER?

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