I drink up to 14-15 beers a night...is it ok.. or not...?!


I drink up to 14-15 beers a night...is it ok.. or not...?

I'm a guy...forget the pic...

Soon your goinjg to get a beer belly if you do not exercise properly. That is alot of beer your drinking, which will lead to alcoholism eventually. It is also alot of useless calories. Docs say that one a day seems to be ok, they also talk about red wine a glass a day is heart smart. Why do you drink so much? Also question yourself as to why your drinking alone if you do. That would definately not be social drinking. Of course this is just an opinion an really isnt my business. Just adding my two sense here.

Doesn't matter if you are a guy, it is not ok.
Get yourself some help and you will soon see your life improve.
Good luck and God bless.

no, definitely not!!!


is nt sure good to drink so many beers...

hell ya...your going to f******* break down your dam kidney!

Well, uumm, its not really smart, lol, but as long as u dont drive or nething

Only if they are those "special" beers that are like 25% alcohol. If they are wimp beers like Coors and Bud, then you should be drinking about twice that many.

Man, you gotta drop the beers and switch to booze it'll help!!! You'll totally drink less of it than you do the beers!!!

What are you trying to drown? I think you already know deep down what the answer is...

hell no at 150 cals / beer you will soon be a fat pig regardless of gender not to mention the normal health problems associated with alcoholism

I had a Ex who could drink that and more...sooner or later all this beer drinking will catch up to you ...but you will have "fun"doing it ..for a while...is this real beer? well ..even if it were root beer thats a lot of suds to be drinking everday...your health will not last..but heck..there is more old drunks then old doctors..right?

no way- i used to do the same thing! haven't had a drink in 2 years now. check out this site and just sit back + listen to people. you can just go listen to the chats. you don't have to say anything if you dont want to. http://meetings.recoverychat.com/... just type in a nickname and your in.

No it's not ok. You have a drinking problem, 5 or 6 beers a night is way to much try only drinking 2 beers a day and seek some help from a counselor.

i think no and better you stop it
it can make your heart damage and reduce the amount oxygen in the blood

have you always been a guy or do you really want to be a guy and yea that is a little to much beer but here is a bright side to it if you would have taken all the money that you spent on beer and put it into emron stock you could have made more money on re-cycling the cans than the money than off the stock

Hell no. Your ruining your liver and kidneys... at the rate your going, your going to need liver and kidney transplants in about a year or two. If not, you'll die of alcohol poisoning.

Look at what has happened to George Best, Maradona, Paula Abdul and so many others. Do you talk like Paula? or walk like Maradona?....cut it down to 4 a night or pretty soon you'll look 8 months pregnant.

Your are on your way to alcoholism or your there already. Also liver damage, weigh gain, and many other dangers to numerous to mention. No one is that thirsty. Time to cut down to one or two a day. You sound young. Don't ruin your life.

You're an alcoholic. It's OK with me. I'm a bar owner. The important thing is, is it Ok with you and your family? Will it be Ok when you get a DUI ? Just don't drink and drive, OK?

no it's not ok. you shouldn't be consuming that many every night.. that's way to many to be drinking. you should wait for the weekends to drink that many if even that. one or two a day is a pretty good amount to do because it cleans out your kidney's but that many is over doing it.

as an ultrasound tech, I see way too many patients that abuse alcohol and end up with liver disease and cirrhosis. It's not pleasant to see people go through this! Need to get some help to control this!

not ok to much alcohol and to much sugar . you can look forward to diabetes cirocis of the liver hypoglicimia overwight alcohol is a depresant so eventualy you wi;l have mood problems anxiety ect. do you really need to drink ssssssssso much. LOVE YOURSELF a little more take care of yourself.

No thats not ok. Not only are you consuming empty calories which will probably give you that age-old "beer gut", but you are also killing your brain cells and liver cells.

Only if you want to go through life fat stupid and drunk.
That much beer will have you overweight in no time and an extended period of time at that level of consumption is a straight road to becoming an alcoholic. But hey, if you are young you can still stop before its too late. I am not saying ya gotta drink tea, but everything in moderation-Party on dude!

MMM, nope...not so good...you only get one liver....and a transplant costs ALOT (over time...about 1 million bucks). Try a different beverage...non alcoholic would be your best bet. But seek some help first, detox ain't pretty alone.

MUST BE NICE!!! sucks being you later!

I really believe you already know the answer to this one, but I'm going to take you somewhere that you would never have imagined.

Up until 1 month ago, I would drink 1 six-pack of dark beer and not feel anything (I'm a woman, by the way, rather petite). It's been that way my whole life (I'm in my 40's).

I just found out that I have a thyroid problem. Yep! Something as simple as that because it regulates your metabolism, which is connected to your liver, and we all know that alcohol goes through your liver, right?

I would suggest having the thyroid test done. And even if it comes back negative, like mine did, you need to know the test for TSH is not sensitive enough, but you can do a rather cheap test with just a tincture of iodine.

Rub the iodine on your chest, below your heart, about the size of a tennis ball. It should not evaporate in less than 12 hours. If it's gone in less time (don't take a shower), you most likely have a thyroid problem.

DO NOT TAKE SYNTHROID!!! This is a synthetic drug all doctors give to people with this problem, and once you're on it, you CAN NEVER GO OFF!!! And the side effects, long-term, are worse than having a thyroid problem to begin with!!!

I'm not affiliated with this company, but you can find out more information at healthline.cc (not dot com!).

By the way, last night I actually felt "DRUNK" after 1 beer. I got excited by that. I really felt I was an alcoholic because of how much I consumed and was very worried.

Good luck.

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