Are Leprachuans Minty?!

Question: My family was out to eat one night, and my mom got some 'mint tea'. I don't know, so don't ask. Any way, she asked if me or my dad wanted any, we declined, and my dad said it was the worst tea ever. He said, and I quote, "It tastes like you put a leprachaun in it." So that raises my question, are leprachauns minty?

Answers: My family was out to eat one night, and my mom got some 'mint tea'. I don't know, so don't ask. Any way, she asked if me or my dad wanted any, we declined, and my dad said it was the worst tea ever. He said, and I quote, "It tastes like you put a leprachaun in it." So that raises my question, are leprachauns minty?

Leperchauns have a very faint minty taste but when used in large quanities they can inhance your baking with a fresh minty taste. Though enjoyed by many, leperchaun mint flavoring has a somewhat bitter, lemony taste which certain people dont enjoy. To get the most out of your leperchoan try plucking his feathers (found on the right big toe) and blenderizing first. Enjoy!

what kind of question is this? go ask ur dad or a cow..

No, they taste like Guiness and Jaggermeister

Yes... they sure are..

they're not real...........

of course they are dumby

Yes, yes they are. And kind of chewy too.

lol. i think he only said that because supposedly leprechauns were all green. but it's not a really funny joke...

Its a leoplurodon Charlie!!!

hahahah, they're extremely minty.

that's hilarious though!
i'm gonna use that.

I always thought they would taste of mushroom

i woodnt know, i've never eaten a leprechuan before. go ask a cannibal leprechuan.

It depends on which bit of a leprachaun you put in your mouth.

No they are quite meaty maybe froggy but not minty. You will have them shaking in their boots asking such a Q.

he may have been refering to leprachauns color green and sometymes green is referred to a minty color so that maybe an answer but then who would know what a leprachaun taste like...

first of all do leaprachauns even exist? and how wuold your dad know if a leprachaun is minty, did he actually try one? since they're green, maybe they are minty.

Nope...they are..Irish

yes indeed they are the come from old irish focklar (i know thats spelled wrong but hope you get the gist)

obviously you have probably had a long drawn out discussion about this but yes and no. there are several types of leprechauns first off. perhaps the one your dad is thinking of is the pigmus-chromain. these are often considered the "mintiest" because they are often found rubbing mint leaves on there skin to hide from predictors. this is actually a tactic used by many different types of leprechauns; however not all. it is actually a misconception that the leprachuan itself is the one who is minty because no matter what type of leprachuan it is the insides are quite fruity. a taste similar to papaya. i hope im not going into too much detail on this but i do want to clear up a few things. your dad has stereotyped all leprechauns into tasting minty however only some smell minty and none actually are minty. second, leprechauns are not small enough to fit into a cup of tea. the average size is about two feet 3 inches tall and weighs about thirty five to fifty pounds. i would guess any little guy like this being dipped into a tea cup would probably smash the tea cup... ok this is getting stupid lol hope this clears some stuff up.

He needs help

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