How much alcohol?!

Question: i got drunk for the first time. do you have a lower tolerance when you first start? i had five shots all within about an hour an a half. i'm about 125 pounds. i vomited a few times after a while. it doesn't seem like i should have gotten that sick after just five shots though... and i had a killer hangover even though i drank a shi t load of water

Answers: i got drunk for the first time. do you have a lower tolerance when you first start? i had five shots all within about an hour an a half. i'm about 125 pounds. i vomited a few times after a while. it doesn't seem like i should have gotten that sick after just five shots though... and i had a killer hangover even though i drank a shi t load of water

At almost any weight 5 shots in 90 mins is a lot. You're also going to have a hangover the first few times out no matter how much you drink. try sipping them instead of pounding and try eating food while drinking. It can help keep the hangover and the buzz down.

Goodness, at your weight, wouldn't do shots, just drinks maybe 2 and with food. How did you like being sick?

Yea you do. I got drunk my first time on 3/4 a bottle of bacardi.. Amazingly I didn't chunder (vomit) though.
So far the most i've had is 3/4 a bottle of whiskey, 10 beers and 1.5 litres of cider in 4 hours. I was spewing my ring out lol.

Now however I reckon I could surpass that, got me a spare liver on ice, oh yea =D

5 shots in less then an hour is a your symtoms are very standard...i wouldn't keep of that sort of pace if i were you...

Much lower tolerance at the beginning

to drink alcohol try to keep one bottle in your home for the drink that u like and drink everyday one shot for one month only one shot after one moth try to increase to 2 shot everyday u see ur self after all that u can drink 5 shot and nothing happened with u .choose fine drink .

Five shots in an hour and half is a lot for a 200 lb person, let alone 125. You're drinking way too much and you are probably way too young. Don't pay attention to what anyone else is drinking, be your own person and listen to your body. If you're puking, you've had way too much.

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