Can 2 coronas and some vodka with orange juice make you drunk?!

Question: 1.) Depends on the strength of the vodka. Most are 80-100 proof. Also, people at home tend to make their drinks at home with more booze than you would get in a bar. The drink may not taste stronger. People often don't put ice in their home cocktails (which they should) and that effects the perception of strength and actual amount of alcohol.

2.) Individual tolerance varies. If you tend to drink a lot, those drinks are less like to get you drunk. If you hardly drink at all, you a more likely to feel drunk. REGARDLESS of how you feel, you're blood alcohol level (BAC) is going
to be the same.

3.) Drunk is as much situational as it is how much you drink. The two are inextricable.

4.) You are small, so you BAC would be higher than someone bigger than you.

Answers: 1.) Depends on the strength of the vodka. Most are 80-100 proof. Also, people at home tend to make their drinks at home with more booze than you would get in a bar. The drink may not taste stronger. People often don't put ice in their home cocktails (which they should) and that effects the perception of strength and actual amount of alcohol.

2.) Individual tolerance varies. If you tend to drink a lot, those drinks are less like to get you drunk. If you hardly drink at all, you a more likely to feel drunk. REGARDLESS of how you feel, you're blood alcohol level (BAC) is going
to be the same.

3.) Drunk is as much situational as it is how much you drink. The two are inextricable.

4.) You are small, so you BAC would be higher than someone bigger than you.

no babby not at all,,,,,

depends on the vodka


Depends on your size and how often you drink alcohol. The more you drink the more of a tolerance you build up, so it would take longer to get drunk if you drink all the time.

But this should be enough to get almost anyone at least a slight buzz; and quite a few smaller people drunk.

You're very small. I would be pretty certain you are going to get drunk off of this; at least a heavy buzz. You might want to keep a sober friend around to keep you from doing anything stupid or crazy.

depends on: sex, age, weight, and how long it took you to drink it.

100 lb... probably, yes...

Depends how much vodka, for me ALOT lol I have a spare liver on ice =D

For you at 100lbs i'd say those two beers then maybe 4 shots and you'd be pretty tipsy at least

there are loads of things that affect how drunk you get - much more than just how much you've drunk and your body weight. if you never drink, that much could get you tipsy for sure, if you drink every day it probably wont, but some people retain a low tolerance to alcohol even when they use it frequently. how much/what you've had to eat and drink that day can affect how alcohol affects you, as can your general health and your liver function. many women find that when they are premenstrual or menstruating, their alcohol tolerance is reduced. also 'some vodka' could mean a small 25ml measure or perhaps a double large (35ml) measure which would be 70ml - almost 3 times as much. i always find that if i drink alcohol during the daytime i feel the effects more than if i drink during the evening.
the short answer is 'yes it can make you drunk, but not necessarily'

People differ from person to person when it comes to becoming drunk, it depends of the persons tolerance to alcohol which has variables such has height, weight and sex and your organs and any medical problems,then it depends on the alcohol consummed and in what quantity.

Not in my world, Unless some Vodka was a LT's worth....

Depends on how much u r used to alcohol. After an accident, I was in hospital more than half a year; then a single Pilsener did the job.
In my wild time, as a frat-student, no quantity of beer would do that ;)

And just how many bottles is "some" vodka?

My mom's 5 ft and weighs more than that and she gets drunk off a small glass of wine. With 2 beers and a Screwdriver you'd be pretty messed. Because obviously you don't drink much since you have to ask :p

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