How much are you paying for gas where you live?!

Question: I just recently paid $3.43 for a gallon of gas yesterday in Syracuse NY yesterday....that is crazy!!! how much was your gas and where was it.

Answers: I just recently paid $3.43 for a gallon of gas yesterday in Syracuse NY yesterday....that is crazy!!! how much was your gas and where was it.

Auburn, Massachusetts
$3.09/ gallon for regular.

After reading all the answers, I'm surprised that we are the cheapest still! I thought my price was crazy!

North Haven, CT $3.25 a gallon.

last time i got gas it was around 3.40 also. i dont know whats going to happen to the world.
parkland, florida

$3.39 Northern MI

i live on the central coast in cali and its about 3.75 a gallon for reg unleaded. id be stoked to pay 3.43

Right around $3.11 per gallon in a small town in Alabama.

3.29$ in vancouver washington

In the San Francisco bay area it is almost $4.00 a gallon, about $3.92 right now, but we have the highest gas prices in the country and the refinerys are right here, so go figure.

$1.11 per litre in Ontario Canada.

It was around 98 cents up until a month or so ago. Now it just won't go down!!

we are paying 3.30 a gallon here in Arkansas which is the 3rd poorest state i wish our Argonaut so called president had to buy his gas on these cheap wages or they would take away his daughters free gas cards, they would go insane then daddy dumb *** would do something my angles cant afford those prices. so Mr bush jump in a oil barrel that 107.00 a barrel

$3.79 huntington beach california...super unleaded- $4.01

Nashville, TN I paid 3.34 for the mid-grade. It's been that for about a month.


I've payed up to 3.79 in Chicago and 3.40 in Central Wisconsin. So overall to d*mn much!!

Citrus county Florida the cheapest gas station is at $3.39 and the most expensive as of Saturday morning was $3.43. I paid $3.41 on my way into work this morning.

I am in Michigan.I am paying 3.39 a gallon.Ughhhhh

108.9 a litre

Austin Texas: $3.29

$3.40/gal of reg
Gainesville, FL


El Paso, TX

$3.89 Leakey Texas

$3.45 in Southwest Fl. We're not headed for a recession, we're headed for a depression!

$3.19 in tx!

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