How many shots of tequlia would get me drunk?!


How many shots of tequlia would get me drunk?

i'm 15, my parents are gone for the night and i want to get drunk for the first time. theres only tequila and beer in the house, and i don't really like beer. how many shots of tequilia, on average, would get me drunk? or even kinda drunk. it has 40% alchohal and don't say i shouldn't be, i just want to try it once. oh and i'm a guy, thanks!

Dont do it man...just say no!!

k, first off have you ever tried hard liquor because I can promise you that it doesn't taste great, also don't do it by yourself and getting drunk all depends on your wieght and just your tolerance, it takes me like 5-6 maybe even 4 to get drunk, but I'm pretty small, and oh yeah that is over a period of time not really binge drinking, which means drinking it really fast over a short period of time. And that girl is right if you don't know how to drink and hard liquor is not good to start with. But I garuntee you that you will take one shot maybe two of the tequllia and you will not be able to take the taste

Tequila formula - 1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila - floor

well, you shouldn't be drinking, not only because it's illegal but you are putting yourself at risk, you will not know when to stop and you can get really sick...and I'm not talking about a hangover...I'm talking really can die of Alcohol intoxication. If you don't know how to drink....stay away from it, even more stay away from tequila, is really strong and your body couldn't tolerate it.

If ya just gotta do it and you arent going to listen to the pretty good advice every one else seems to have already given you here is what you are going to do there bud- you are not going to drink any more then one shot at a time and you are going to wait at least 15 minutes between shots just to give your stomache a chance to process the alcohol. Trust me, you dont want to get puke drunk on tequila the first time you get hammered. Take the shot from a small glass and my suggestion is that you chase it with a shot of water afterwards so that you dont dehyrate yourself. You should start to feel it after 3 or 4 shots this way. I suggest a mild drunk the first time bud, you dont want to give yourself away to your parents with a hangover in the morning.

that would depend on how much you weigh, you tall you are, and whether or not you consumed anything with the alcohol.

Several factors come into play here...First, how much do you weigh? Body weight affects blood alcohol content. Second, how high is your tolerance? I'm assuming at 15, you're not much of a drinker. Third, are you gay? Only a homo couldn't do 14 or 15 shots before driving home at high speeds. Try this out: drink about 6 shots, get in your parents' car, and get up to about 110 mph. If you don't hit anything, you're fine. If you do, forget you ever read this.

try it out any let me know.
have a good bash party, get on

abt 3 shots, depends on your body mass. To make the tequila taste better = 20ml vodka and 30ml 7-up/sprite, drip a lemon slice in salt and lick it, then drink it up in 1 shot. We called in 'tequila shots', baby...

f___ it, drink the whole bottle. you'll find out!

Don't drink tequila, yo if you over-do it your gonna be super sick. Just wait a few years you're only 15!

uh.. if u have never drank i would say.. 3-6 shots. if i were u though, i would mix it with koolaid or lemonade. tequila is pretty strong and it burns a liitle.

I wouldn't do it if were you. Your parents will find out( they always do) and you will be in severe trouble for a long time guarantee it

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