What is the easiest way to make beer?!

Question: Like I just want to make a jug of beer using mainly household materials...just tell me what I need to buy and do....

Answers: Like I just want to make a jug of beer using mainly household materials...just tell me what I need to buy and do....

Making beer can be as simple or as complex as you like. In its most simple method, you need malt extract (either dried or liquid), hops, water and yeast. As far as equipment, you will need a large pot to boil your beer in, a container to let the beer ferment in, and bottles to put the beer in after it has fermented.

There is a decent tutorial on how to make beer on Instructables.

Get an empty keg. Go to the store. Buy beer. Put in keg. Voila!

you are such a tight ***.... just go buy some keystone seance apparently love to save money...

There's not really much you can do with just normal household materials.

To brew properly, you need some special ingredients (malt extract, maybe hops, brewing yeast) and equipment (bottling bucket, fermenter, bottling tube, airlock, capper).

I'd say get a good startup kit, like this:


You can get them cheaper, but the materials and ingredients aren't nearly as good - I've had beer from cheap kits and it never comes out good, IME. On the other hand, I have a setup like this and I've never had a batch turn out bad (except experiments that I was expecting to be strange in some way).

For instructions, check out www.howtobrew.com

The best place to start is with a book like Papazian's New Complete Guide to Homebrewing. That will give you all the details. Then buy the kit of materials. If you can get your supplies from a local homebrew shop, do so. The proprietor will do almost anything to insure your success because you will be seen as a potential repeat customer. I started with an all-extract English Brown Ale. Not too bad. Even though I brew mostly more complex beers now, I occasionally go back and brew more from that first recipe.

While you can use materials from the supermarket (malt syrup, bakers' yeast), I don't recommend it. The idea of homebrewing is to make something better than commercial beers, not something that would make Corona taste good by comparison.

If you want powerful moonshine,you need to
Mix corn (off the cob )with water and yeast
Leave it exposed to air and wait for two weeks
Build a still and boil the mash hot enough so that just the alcohol boils up (178 degrees)


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