Question about ALCOHOL and Life's problems?!

Question: has alcohol SERIOUSLY caused any problems in your life??
1.) personal (family)
2.) financial (work)
3.) criminal (jail)

Answers: has alcohol SERIOUSLY caused any problems in your life??
1.) personal (family)
2.) financial (work)
3.) criminal (jail)

No To All.
Dont Like Crazy Alcoholics!
You're Right! Just Causes Problems!

1) yea my mum keeps having a go at me for drinking "too much" whenever I go home for the summer. She's a hypochondriac though so I just ignore her lol
2) Nope always made work or university as the case may be
3) Never been arrested, been in street fights though but the other crowd either got arrested for starting it or the cops didn't get involved

Edit: umm alcohol may cause problems but it sure as hell solves alot too, it's a question of balance. Anything can be perceived as causing problems especially if its being abused, hell I know women sure can =D

Ok I get the impression that you only asked this question to validate your convictions against alcohol.. wouldn't your time be better spent at AA or a rehab clinic? lol


Don't you use alcohol to SOLVE life's problems?


No, Alcohol has never caused me any of those problems, Personal I have a great time drinking with family, Financially, I own a liquor store, And criminal, I don't do anything dumb while being straight or drunk to cause me to go to jail....

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