Is it possible to drink 24 Budweisers in 4 hours without eating anything or drinking water. No throwing up.?!

Question: My friends have put a bet on it that I cannot do it tonight from the hours of 7-11PM. We already have the beers on ice and I am looking forward to the challenege. Just curious to know if anyone else ou there has the balls or has done this b4

Answers: My friends have put a bet on it that I cannot do it tonight from the hours of 7-11PM. We already have the beers on ice and I am looking forward to the challenege. Just curious to know if anyone else ou there has the balls or has done this b4

I would say it is possible...however I think it depends on your body size and your tolerance. Do you drink beer alot? How big are you? I'm pretty sure you will get too full drinking it, but I guess you will see! Good luck and have fun! Oh and hopefully you don't have to work tomorrow! Haha!

i couldn't do it, good luck, you'll probably get full before you can drink all of them

Good luck finding a new kidney.

NO! But it could kill you, literally, don't be so stupid.

If you get 8 in you, I would be surprised

its fun 2 do just handle em slow handle em slow and slow down when u feel ur jaws tense up


your stomach isn't big enough

you'll puke first

Uh, you are obviously a moron. Most likely, you will need to go to the hospital because you have alcohol poisoning.

There is no way in a million years that you will be able to do call off the bet. It has nothing to do with balls and everything to do with having some basic level of intelligence.

Really, the ABSOLUTE MOST you could drink is maybe in the range of 10-12 in that time then you will be so drunk you won't know what the hell is going will passout for sure shortly after that. If not, and you kept going...poisoning for sure shortly thereafter.

Really, if you were going to make such a foolish bet...12 should have been the MAX. You MIGHT have won if you were a SERIOUS MAJOR alcoholic. Even then its doubtful.

Well, I love beer and I enjoy a lot of beer everyday, but 24 in 4 hours! Don′t do it. Enjoy 6 or up to 9 in 4 hours, but never 24!


go drink a few bottles of real beer.

i promise you'll enjoy yourself more.

p.s. i'm not judging you. I did stupid **** like this all the time when i was 19-20 yrs old.

your gonna faint
no joke
and throw up

tell your friends that if you pass out and cannot be woken up, make sure to monitor your breathing and heart-rate. if your skin is cold to the touch and/or is blue, get the **** to a hospital. it sounds like you are about to kill yourself, and i'm not kidding. i had a friend almost die pulling a stunt like this and now he has permanent brain damage. if you decide not to heed my warning, try to throw up as much as possible. if you don't listen to me entirely, you will die. its not a game.

Make sure you have a high alcohol tollerance, 4-6 drinks in an hour is considered fatal.

other then that, goodluck man. Should be a fun night!

This has nothing to do with balls. You may as well start the competition in the emergency room...because that's where you'll end up. If you are a 160 lb male, this would put you at ~ a 0.64 blood alcohol level. That is lethal.

Why not see how fast you can chug a beer instead? There are less idiotic drinking challenges to be had.

Well, this past easter my little brother (22 yrs. old) my dad (58), and brother-in-law (37) and i (25) put away around 96 bottles of beer between the four of us. now granted, maybe one or two of us drank more than others (we don't count) but it was in the space of around 5 and a half hours that we really started drinking. and not one of us threw up or came close to throwing up. but when it comes to drinking, it's all about your body's tolerance to it. gotta work your way up to it. try it, i always say it's better to know your limits than not.

Budweiser is Gnats Pee!

The issue is the size of the cans. I assume they are 1/3 litre. This would equate to about 15 pints.

I once, for a $500.00 bet drank 9 litres of Germany's best (which is very potent) in ONE HOUR! Whilst I suffered a king-sized hangover, the dosh dans ma poche was a veritable analgesic!

I was 22 years old when I did that. I am not large, only 5'6" and about 145lbs.

I do not, these days, advocate drinking challenges. However, 3 1/2 pints of Bud per hour should not cause any long term medical problems. The trick is to keep a steady intake. Do not gulp the cans in sprints!

Possible, yes. Likely, no. Dangerous, definitely. Sh#tty beer, heck yes it is.

Bad idea. You will either puke or pass out before finishing. Sounds like a stupid frat boy initiation type of thing. Totally not worth it.

1 beer every 10 min. for 4 hrs. is gonna be tough to do.

I deff think you could do it...good luck=]

i have tried this...i did it in 5 hrs and than puked...after puking i was good...just drank the last 3-4 to fast...but yes i think it can be dont good luck

No way you should do it man .... but if you do,
Get out the defibrillator !

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