Dose anyone think its bad for a 15 year old to drink alcohol?!


Dose anyone think its bad for a 15 year old to drink alcohol?

well i seen my son with his friends drinking alcohol and i was proud.. but my wife was upset why its normal to drink isint it??

Of course it's bad for someone that age to be drinking. If you were honestly proud, that says an awful lot about you... and that's not good. As a parent, you should be more concerned about why he's drinking, where he's getting it, how often he's having it, and if he's getting in the car with his friends after they've all drank.
It's normal for a child to try these things, but in no way normal for a parent to be proud.

No, it's not something to be proud of. Listen to your wife. There will be plenty of time later on for the 15 year old to drink. But he needs to learn to drink responsibly, and that includes within the confines of the law and common sense...

I dont see why your proud but you should be ashamed if your 15 yr old abuses it. Its not like hes accomplished something has he? DONT let him get drunk. Trying a drink, I find, is fine. Your wife should be right to question his consumption and how it affects him. After all you dont want an alcoholic for son do you?

I used to have glasses of wine with dinner when I was around 12. But that was always one glass and under the supervision of my parents, I wasn't sitting around with friends drinking. So I think one drink with the parents is fine, but sitting around drinking with friends at 15, maybe not

what 15 year old isnt drinking nowadays..your just gonna get bad responses because the people on at saturday night are not drinking..all the cool kids are getting you want your kid not to be cool??lol

not out of your foolish stage yet???

It's not good for a 15 year old to drink alcohol because your child will most likely become an alcoholic when he gets older!! You are an idiot for being proud of your son drinking alcohol with his friends. I bet you are an alcoholic and possibly a drug abuser!!!!!!!

Please read my personal experiences about alcohol and you will know alot more.
Steve Procto

Dude, fuckk those bittches who answered before. I'm 16, and once i drank with my dad (i had like 3 shots) i really dont feel any need to drink with my friends. if he's like me, (rebellious, smokes pot, drinks) then it might work for him too. now, you cant tell for wife that u did this. and you should definatelty talk to him while you are doing that with him. but not like a fatherly scolding talk. tell him that when he's 18, you'll take him to a bar. but he's got to be clean, or at least not drink alot, until that time. tell him that i said that he'll get 10 times more wasted if he waits that long too. good luck.

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