Question about drinking and getting sick?!

Question: I hardly every drink but I really wanted to have some fun one night and so I drank about 7/8ths of a 375ml bottle of JD #2 with one can of pepsi between 3am and 4:40am.

Well I was a little unbalanced and such and probably fairly drunk but I knew where I was, had no problems speaking clearly, and could fairly easily walk around the room and in a straight line.

After about 5am I started feeling sick and that lasted for a good 24 hours past the time I finished drinking. I didnt feel like eating much and such.

My question:
Is this something that can be avoided while still getting drunk?

I heard you should drink a lot of water and drink slowly to keep from getting sick, any confirmation on that?

Answers: I hardly every drink but I really wanted to have some fun one night and so I drank about 7/8ths of a 375ml bottle of JD #2 with one can of pepsi between 3am and 4:40am.

Well I was a little unbalanced and such and probably fairly drunk but I knew where I was, had no problems speaking clearly, and could fairly easily walk around the room and in a straight line.

After about 5am I started feeling sick and that lasted for a good 24 hours past the time I finished drinking. I didnt feel like eating much and such.

My question:
Is this something that can be avoided while still getting drunk?

I heard you should drink a lot of water and drink slowly to keep from getting sick, any confirmation on that?

the key about drinking is to have a balanced well filling meal a couple hours ahead of time. that way you will have a full stomache but you wont feel too full to get your drink on. it also has a direct effect on how quickly you drink. try to drink slowl y and not chug cus that gets u drunk faster but makes ur drunk not last as long and then u feel ur hangover ahead of time.
as for the morning after. definately DONT take advil, as advil thins out blood, and so does alcohol so itll make you feel even worse. it also shouldnt be taken on an empty stomache. What works for me is taking a shower, drinking lots of water, cup of coffee sleep and like some food thats plain and simple and you should be good to go.

also there are anti hangover pills sold at GMC that prevent any sickness feeling. i havent used them, but my brother has and says they work. There expensive but they do work... he would take them the night before he had a track and feild race and they would work.
hope this helps.

and yes water does help, but too mcuh water can also make the problem worse. anything in excess is bad. so like a bottle of water is good. and keep it beside ur night side table


also the type of alcohol u drink has an impact on how u feel sick. i could drink the same amount of rum as JD and id probably feel sicker from the JD
so u kinda have to just figure out by trial and error,but then ull find out which is the right liquor for u... for example jagermiester is not the right liquor for anyone to drink in large amounts no matter how delciious it is

Yes and Yes.

Drink in moderation and you will be able to get a healthy buzz and not end up sick by morning. The water helps prevent dehydration caused by the alcohol, but will not actually prevent you from feeling sick.... avoid soda/carbonated mixers. They increase absorption rates and can irritate your stomach.

Yes, if you drink too fast you will be sorry! Drink slower, that way you can feel when it is too much, generally if the room starts spinning.

I know this is going to sound very stupid. But my husband does this every time without fail. As soon as he starts drinking he downs the first beer so fast, he will then get sick to his stomach and will be fine the rest of the night. I don't know how he does it, since I can't drink after getting sick but it works for him.

The best type of alcohol to drink is the home - made stuff, and maan, does it have some kick to it HOOOOWEEEEE!!!!!
But to get back to your question, yes, drinking a glass of water between drinks helps, and you wont get sick, and back to what I was saying... GO THE HOME - MADE BOOZE!!!!!

You could very easily have gone from being just sick, to
just dead.
I know a bunch of teens who did just about the same thing
you did, down at the city park.
3 out of the 5 died from alcohol
poisoning. they could not be
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