Whats your favorite wine? Why?!

Question: Mine is Mountain Chablis at the moment. I don't prefer the taste of this wine compared to a sweeter wine but Iike how quickly it relaxes me. I prefer the white wines because they don't stain my teeth and because I like cold wine.

What do you like and why.

Answers: Mine is Mountain Chablis at the moment. I don't prefer the taste of this wine compared to a sweeter wine but Iike how quickly it relaxes me. I prefer the white wines because they don't stain my teeth and because I like cold wine.

What do you like and why.

I personally love cabernet franc. It's tough to come by though as it is not often made into single varietal wines and is most often blended with other varietals to make Bordeaux Blend-type wines. Given how difficult it is to find I typically go to my second favorite which is Malbec. Argentina has done amazing things with this grape. It's easy to find relatively cheap bottles of Malbec and even the cheapest are pretty good. If I can't find that then I go with Zinfandel or Syrah/Shiraz as these also provide good bang for the buck.
Remember "en vino veritas" or "in wine there is truth". Cheers

White merlot is also good, although not as full-bodied
I prefer red b/c of the taste, and b/c it is supposedly better for you.

My favorites are the german sweets--Reisling, Reinwine, Gwertztraminer, etc. Cold, crisp, fruity...absolutely divine. My favorite white is Schmitt Schone Piesporter Spatelese....

My close second is a local winery called Kokopelli Winery which has a KILLER White Merlot. Def try it sometime, absolutely delicious!

White Merlot is good, just like another suggested. My personal favorite is Pinot Grigio, especially as it starts getting warmer outside. It's refreshing and not too dry with just the right amount of sweet that it isn't overbearing.

I like a variety of wines. It all depends on my mood, as to which one I will drink. It also depends on what I happen to have in my wine cabinet. lol

I enjoy Merlot wines a lot. They're dry, yes, but they go well with many dishes, and with just a plate of cheese and crackers. Merlot wines can be blended with other fruits, which cuts the dryness and just makes for a nice "social" drink, to have on the back porch of an evening.

I recently found a cranberry wine that was really good. It was a blend of red and white wine with cranberry in it. WOW! It was sweeter than I thought it would be, but it was really good.

A wine that is normally dry, can be sweet. If the grapes are a late harvest, then the resulting wine will be much sweeter than you might anticipate. I happen to have a late harvest Pinot Grigio.... super yum.

i love red wine... pinot noir is my favorite and specifically oregon pinot since that's where i live. :)
for red wine, i'd have to go with riesling.

Dogfish Head's Olde School Barley Wine the perfect balance of bitter hops and sweet malt... wait that's beer... Yeah, I'm not a big wine drinker.

I like riesling and pinot grigio

i like asti spumante sparkling wine. It is light, but packs a good punch. I can kill a bottle of it and be feeling really good.

box wine...there is no other like it

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