How much pot gets you high?!

Question: well it's legal in many countries, so there is no reason to delete this question

Answers: well it's legal in many countries, so there is no reason to delete this question

One or two hits of purp usually does it for me.
I don't like to mix tobacco into my pot, i usually smoke a cigarette to keep a nice buzz after i get stoned though. I also smoke out of a bowl, not a joint or blunt.

One hit .....hopefully

total easy bake :)

It depends, do you mean 'pot' as in a block of dirty brown...
Or weed or skunk....
If I were to ever smoke these awful substances I would use 4 pinches of ground up skunk then add just over that amount in tobacco. It would probably take me one joint to feel it.

usually one joint if its good stuff. if not maybe 2 joints,
yah in a joint put maybe a little more weed then tabacco in it

You can smoke a few burns on a spliff and feel really quite high it all depends on what the quality of hash or skunk your smoking if it is good stuff then your are definatly getting high off a joint.

And it dont really matter how much tobacco you put experiment with different amounts untill you find it how you like it.

You want it to be smooth and tasty! xD

leave out the t'baccy and keep puffin' til you get to where you wanna be.

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