Is drinking in the morning bad for you?!

Question: even thou i work nights , i still enjoy a few beers after work.
people often push me around and make fun of me
does this mean i should stop drinking?

Answers: even thou i work nights , i still enjoy a few beers after work.
people often push me around and make fun of me
does this mean i should stop drinking?

I start drinking beer as soon as I wake up in the morning's, And you having a night shift your body is used to a different time frame, Cheers....

I know a lot of people who work the night shift and then drink when they get off work - it doesn't really matter the time of day - it's still "after work" for you! Unless the drinking has become habitual or a problem, it's not a big deal! Your friends are probably just jealous because when they're at work, you're out drinking! lol!

Don't stop drinking because someone says it's wierd. If you work nights, it's understandable to drink after you work. Don't worry about it, unless you are becoming addicted to it and drink before, during and after!

Maybe not so much bad for you as a bad habit.

I used to work a night shift too. It wasn't uncommon to have my first beer around 4 a.m. when I got home. I'd have a few beers sitting out on my balcony and watching the sunrise and relaxing. And having dinner and listening to the morning news about commuting problems and being so happy I wasn't stuck in the traffic jams. Then go to bed. If it works with your schedule, just do it! If anyone hassles you because you smell like beer in the morning (like, say, a landlord?) just tell them "I work nights, I just got off work." That usually explains it and they shut up.

if you must have a drink in the am, you may have a drinking problem.

No, no, no. You're perfectly okay. If you work at nights, then your whole schedule is backwards. Morning is our night, vice versa.

Whereas most drink at night, you start in the morning. That's night to you, so it's still the same pattern of drinking.

Generally, drinking in the morning is a bad sign. But for you, that's drinking in the evening.

So, just make sure that your not drinking too much and don't drink in the evening. Then you can properly tell others that their concerns are misplaced.

I dont drink much.....but when i do i like to enjoy it .....if i get a good buzz out of it and avoid getting agrow i really cant see the harm in it...It it makes you feel good who are we to judge you or others for that matter. Those type of people you avoid as they are trying to spoil your buzz....
Although i would consider giving up if the vibes are not good to you and causes harm to others.

i sure hope not. in nyc we have this douchey thing called brunch.

you wake up around 11 on sunday, go to a trendy bar/restaurant, eat some eggs and get plastered mid morning/afternoon.

no drink ing want hurt you in the morning... maybe you shouldnt tell them when your drinking people are so judgemental.

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