Is it weird that all my friends have gotten drunk at least once except me?!

Question: Ok, so I live in France. I'm fourteen, and the legal drinking (and purchasing alcohol) age is 16. Every single one of my friends have gotten drunk at keast once (most of them, their first time getting drunk was at 12 years old). I havn't even gotten tipsy. Wine at meals once in a while with my parents doesn't count ;)
I've had my first cigarette a few months ago. Loved it. I'm not so sure about alcohol. I want to try it, and its not about not feeling left out, but i'm not sure i won't completely embarass myself by spitting the stuff out, and I dont want to get drunk alone. What should I do?

Answers: Ok, so I live in France. I'm fourteen, and the legal drinking (and purchasing alcohol) age is 16. Every single one of my friends have gotten drunk at keast once (most of them, their first time getting drunk was at 12 years old). I havn't even gotten tipsy. Wine at meals once in a while with my parents doesn't count ;)
I've had my first cigarette a few months ago. Loved it. I'm not so sure about alcohol. I want to try it, and its not about not feeling left out, but i'm not sure i won't completely embarass myself by spitting the stuff out, and I dont want to get drunk alone. What should I do?

take it slow...if you really want to drink with your friends, then start off with a couple of glasses of wine that you know you can handle. the worst thing is throwing up from drinking too much. if your friends are really your friends, then they will let you know when to stop drinking and help you out if need be.

im not encouraging you to drink if you dont want to. however, eventually, you are going to drink and there is a mature and safer way to go about doing it.

Dont get addicted to alcohol, it will end up pwning you later.

oooooooooo yes

I agree with bigmac

You should stay the same you are, you have no reason to go out and push yourself to their horrible stature, don't be like them stand above, be your own person and live free of alcohol.

You shouldn't drink just because everyone else is. if you want to try it then go for it, but only if you want to. And just ask your friends what they like to find something good to drink if you decide to.

no don't do it, don't "follow" the crowd. take it from me, im an alcoholic and smoker of 24 years and my health is deteriorating.

WHy dont you just STOP DRINKING and STOP SMOKING. And screw those friends if they are acting that way -.-

Be glad you don't have a taste for it.


Don't push it. There is no reason you MUST get drunk. You'll just end up feeling sick. Good for you for not doing everything that everyone else is doing!

No its not weird. Drinking will be there for the rest of your life, whats the rush. Just do your thing.

if you are worried how you will react, you should do it in the company of very close friends or even relatives, but if you do do something stupid it doesn't really matter.

Dont worry about it. I'm just going to tell you what everyone else told me: Dont do it. It gets you in trouble. It causes accidents. Dont give in to peer pressure. yadda yadda yadda....Basically I wouldnt recommend it.

Keep being yourself girl! More power to you for not trying to be like everyone else.


I drink, but have never been drunk. My friends often drink until they are drunk, and most of the time it is not pretty. There is no need to go and try to get drunk. And you most likely will do embaressing things while drunk.

your normal!!! relax...
if you are drunk you can't enjoy the party....
getting tipsy is okay i guess... but drunk is not good ...

are you kidding me? getting drunk is nothing to be proud of and why in the world would you want to take up smoking cigarrettes ? do you know how many people out there are trying to quit smoking and have a hard time doing it ? you are young, be smart and dont get into habits that you will later regret

Don't get drunk. I"ve been there and you don't want to go down that road. Wine at meals is ok, but drinking to get drunk is just plain stupid.
Almost as stupid as smoking tobacco.
Been there, too.

well i dont know about you but i love getting drunk and smirnoff is some amazing alcohol!!!

if youre not ready then dont worry. theres nothing wrong with that. its the same with sex. if you wait, who ******* cares but if you go ahead with it its your choice.

whatever you decide , make sure its your choice and not your friends

If you think you aren't ready to get drunk then don't do it just to know what it feels like or because you feel left out.
It's nothing to rush to,it will happen when you feel you're ready.
Besides alcohol is not a food thing to get addicted to.
Bon Chance!

see whats going on is by them drinking, they are kinda putting peer presure on you, and they might not know it. so if you want to then do it, but if you have morals, then just wait till your old enouph, and trust me its not as great as it might seem. so just wait, and when that time takes place youll feel better about it, and know your kinda better then your friends!

Well France is lucky because the first time I got drunk was during Spring Break. WOOOOO!!!!And I'm 14 too. Anyways you dont have to if you dont want to. You go along at your own pace. You will eventually get drunk at some point later in life so no worries.

BTW you feel really relaxed when you get drunk and you just chill with ur friends its not like you have to go to a crazy party or anything.

About the cigarretes DON'T. I havent smoked and dont plan to for the rest of my life.

Looks to me like you're th only smart one in your group. Escept for the cigarettes, dump them! Everyone thinks they are so cool when they're drunk. But if you're the sober one watching them, you know how stupid they look, talk, and act.
Alchohol makes you lose inhibitions. Your inhibitions keep you from making poor and stupid choices. You should NOT get drunk and if you're really smart you'll kick the nicotine also.

alcohol is not good to your health, specially not now that you're only 14. There are other ways to have fun, alcohol only brings problems, it makes you act stupid or agressive, to me , there is nothing good about it (only if u like to vomit)

thats not weird. make sure you do it responsibly when your turn comes.

you absolutely don't want to start smoking..that stuff can really mess you doesn't make you cool and can give you cancer..

if you haven't gotten drunk, don't worry about's not a big one's going to make fun of you for it, because it's really none of their business bc it's not their life..i remember when i first drank in front in people i accidentally swallwed the wrong way and had a coughing fit! lol ..make sure you don't drink in a hurry or you could swallow the wrong way and have it tickle your throat..

I strongly believe that if u have to question what u do then u shouldn't ever be doing it, u should now when the time is right. Meanwhile just be yourself, if you're friends have never pushed u to drink alcohol then u shouldn't be thinking of drinking, they just like u for who you are, friends are there to help and support u and not pressure u into doing things that u might not feel comfortable, haven't gotten drunk then don't do it, ^-^

It's ok if you don't want to drink. Who says that you have to follow what the crowd does. Be the strong level headed one that doesn't follow the crowd and don't drink just because everyone else is doing it. When I was a teenager all my friends would drink but me. I tried it and hated the taste of alcohol. I never felt pressured by them to drink and you shouldn't feel pressured either.

drinking is not to get drunk and out of your mind... forget about what people do.. if you compare all the deaths and disfugurement and paying fines. about drinking.. ..some of the problems resulting from drunkines last you a life time... i would suggest .. if it is hard liquor take one ounce and wait to see what happins.. dont just drink and drink you will regret it.. a good glass of wine at diner.. or a sip of wiskey at bed time is a good relaxent.. but i am trying to stop you from getting into trouble as i did.. i am lucky i am still alive also i dont recomemnt going into a bar.. all kind of fighjts and trouble can result from someone that is drunk.. and all those people that drink or use drugs.. will be sorry some day.. if you want a hight that lasts.. i recomment you build something or repair something or get a good mark in school... and if you research all those that are drinking and gettting highj a few years from now.. you will find some of them arent here any more some in jail.. some have fathered a child they really did not want.. and they have to pay.. others are married to a woman they dont love...... and so on.... you will be happier in the future if you just taste somethning and let the people that get drunk alone.. ok gilermo.

You shouldn't feel pressured to get drunk. It's not that big of a deal, and the first time that you do you'll probably drink a little to much and end up vomiting- it happens.
The best thing for you to do if you really want to get drunk is find a safe environment with just a few close friends, and at least one person who's going to stay sober to take care of you through the night. An older sibling might be perfect for the job.
Really though, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, and if it is- your friends aren't that great of friends and you should question why they want to get you drunk.

I do hope you don't continue smoking though, there are so many carcinogens and unattractive side effects that even if you do like the taste, or the buzz or whatever, it's not worth it. Hookah is a slightly better alternative, as long as you don't smoke it to often or for to long, and has a few less side effects.

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