Beer Taste?!

Question: my father gave me a swig of his beer yesterday and it was discusting. Is everybodys first taste of beer nasty? will i eventully learn to love it

Answers: my father gave me a swig of his beer yesterday and it was discusting. Is everybodys first taste of beer nasty? will i eventully learn to love it

I thought beer was really gross the first time I had it. I tried it a few more times and really didn't like it until I tried a sip of my husband's beer, which just happened to be a brand I liked. Not all beer is the same, as it turns out. Some of it is still quite gross in my opinion.

you may or may not learn to love it. part of loving it is enjoying the relaxing feeling that the alcohol brings. Not all beers taste the same. You're probably better off though never loving it.

Yes it was very nasty for me.

Beer is always disgusting, its taste will never change lol you either do or ya dont

I dont really like beer. The trees are way better. and you cant get alchool poising. u kant OD. i

It was very nasty to me until my mid twenties . . . it's an acquired taste.

Some actually like the dry ale taste. It's just preference. But for those who don't like the standard beer taste they also have the flavored varieties available. Like Smirnoff and Mikes aka malt liquor.

The first time I had a swig of beer, I had stolen a sip from my grandpa's beer at a picnic when he got up to get another plateful. It was hot, it was flat, it was Stag, it was awful. I didn't try beer for 2 more years, and the second time I tried it, it was a Grolsch. It was cold, fresh and delicious. It was just the circumstances.
Some people love beer, some learn to love it, some never do. To some it is an acquired taste, and others relish it from the beginning.

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