Am i a lightweight?!
Answers: I'm 15, i weigh 54 kilos (119lb) and on new years i drank 6 coronas, 2 smirnoffs and half a can of bundy & cola. (not sure how many standard drinks) I know i'm not 18 but all my friends were drinking. Am i a lightweight?
That's not bad. You drank around 10 standard drinks. You're not a heavyweight but you're not a lightweight either
My definition of lightweight: under 6 standard drinks over a 5 hour sitting
My definition of a middleweight between 7 and 12 standard drinks over a 5 hour sitting
My definition of a heavyweight between 13 to 18 standard drinks over a 5 hour sitting
More than 18 standard drinks and they are a tank
In all cases the person should not be vomiting or passed out to gain these "titles" lol
Personally I now have 11 standard drinks over 3 hours and only feel tipsy lol
no. you my friend, are a tank. thats alot of drinks.
At 15 you are not "light weight" when you drink that much. I am not saying that you are heavy weight either.
"light weight" I take to mean, one drink.
considering your weight ... id say your kinda a hoss.. but not a BA
dude! F**k no!
I'm 5'6'' 115 pounds & am 19.
If I drank that I would be f**king done!
Yes, you are a lightweight. I also doubt you're a lady's man.
nah thats a pretty good effort, im 17 i weigh 74kg and id be a bit tipsy after i drank all that. if you only had like 4 coronas youd be a lightweight plus when you mix drinks like you did your gonna get ****** up quicker