Drank to much patron cant eat or drink now?!

Question: Oh God. I have done that. Gingerale and toast. Good luck....it will all be over soon. Just try to get liquids in ya and if they come right back up...try again. Water is your friend and will shorten your suffering.

Answers: Oh God. I have done that. Gingerale and toast. Good luck....it will all be over soon. Just try to get liquids in ya and if they come right back up...try again. Water is your friend and will shorten your suffering.

patron is the shi* !!!!!
good luck!

crackers and water is what i do!

gatorade and saltines

someone must have put something else in that Patron bottle of yours cause that was cheap booze to give you such a nasty hangover ...... cause NEVER have I had a hangover from Patron..... it's like thick filtered water, tastes mild and let's us enjoy life without inhibitions

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