Fruity Drinks?? that i can order fro any bar, and in a Casino??!

Question: i turn 21 in a few weeks, and my sister and brother-in-law are taking me to Vegas, and i drink but i don't like the taste of alcohol if i plan on actually sipping a drink and not just downing it. so i need the name of FRUITY DRINKS that any bartender should be able to make, be it at a bar or casino. ps i LOVE pina coladas, and Smirnoff twister so i all ready know about them. thanks for any and all help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answers: i turn 21 in a few weeks, and my sister and brother-in-law are taking me to Vegas, and i drink but i don't like the taste of alcohol if i plan on actually sipping a drink and not just downing it. so i need the name of FRUITY DRINKS that any bartender should be able to make, be it at a bar or casino. ps i LOVE pina coladas, and Smirnoff twister so i all ready know about them. thanks for any and all help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some drinks you may want to consider:

Sex on the beach

Planter's Punch

Bahama Mama

Fuzzy Navel

Hope this helps and Happy Birthday!

strawberry marguarita

My favorite fruity drink is the Blue Hawaiian... Its simply Blue Caracao, malibu rum and pineapple juice... the restaurant I work at adds bacardi rum as well. Kind of a blue coconutty pineappley drink... barely taste the alcohol.

My friend is the same way, hates the taste of alcohol. So when me and her are out we order Sex on the beach's.
Its quite the girly drink and oh so good. If you want it sweeter then how they make it just ask them to put in a little more grenadine

A Screwdriver is vodka and OJ, vodka doesn't taste so it mixes well with a lot of stuff and there are literally thousands of recipes for mixed drinks. Don't be afraid to ask a bartender for information or suggestions but don't bug them if they are really busy. Start with what you like, stay away from mixes that have many alcohals like Long Island Ice Teas, they will mess you up fast. Set some ground rules with your drinking buds (like no forced drinking, no Tequila shots), alcohol poisoning is serious stuff (yes, I have been very close on a couple of occasions). Don't mix booze over the course of the night, if you have wine then beer then vodka then whiskey you will be asking for trouble, if you start with Absolut Cranberry try to stick with them don't jump to Rootbeer Cokes. There are a lot of schnaps products out there in many flavors like rootbeer and berry. Something like Strawberry or Wildberry Schnaps mixes well with 7-Up and it isn't as strong as hard alcohol. Drink in moderation, chase every two drinks with a Blue Dolphin (water), have fun and be safe.

Cape Cod-cranberry and vodka

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