What's your reaction to Absolut's mexican ad (hyped on AP/Yahoo today)?!

Question: They said: Defending the campaign last week, Absolut maker Vin & Spirit said the ad was created "with a Mexican sensibility" and was not meant for the U.S. market. (what this means is: they knew full well what it meant.. and was gunning for anti-American, deeply fueled nationalism... and was caught). I for one, am now making a very very smooth switch to Grey Goose, thank you.

Answers: They said: Defending the campaign last week, Absolut maker Vin & Spirit said the ad was created "with a Mexican sensibility" and was not meant for the U.S. market. (what this means is: they knew full well what it meant.. and was gunning for anti-American, deeply fueled nationalism... and was caught). I for one, am now making a very very smooth switch to Grey Goose, thank you.

I wasn't a big absolut fan to begin with, there are better vodka's on the market. I think they shot themselves in the foot with that advertisement. Americans in general take things like this to heart, this advertising is going to disrupt sales in the US.

IF they think that they can make better revenue in mexico, it's their product and their marketing. I think it was in poor taste, and sales will suffer because of it.

Doesn't bother me in the least. That is the way the border used to be. So what?

Listen, you can't get your panties in a wad about everything. That's no way to live. Geez, our society today gets offended about the littlest thing. It's like people are just looking for something to get pissed off about. Man, lighten up!
The world has looked a lot different than it does today. So freaking what?

Who cares what the ads say? Theyre only trying to reach out to the Mexican race.. Drink whatever pleases your gut, screw the ads.

I thought it was funny.
I'm pretty sure it's just uneducated, uptight white people who thought the ad was catering to illegals.

I think Americans should not drink Absolut as Mexicans are trashing our country. I think if Mexico still owned a lot of the U.S. land it would look like Mexico which is mostly dirt roads and corruption. I mean I am not trying to cross the border into Mexico risking my life. If someone is risking their life then conditions must be bad in Mexico wouldn't you say

It's an old map. This is the way the border used to be. As an amatuer historian, I love looking at old maps of the world. We won the land in question in a war with Mexico. Can't blame Mexicans for wishing they still had that beautiful territory. I'm a proud American, but the way this country overreacts to perceived insults is embarassing. Advertisers in this country twist facts to slant to American sensibilities, so why shouldn't they do it in other countries? I spent a summer in England - they sometimes still call us The Colonies. Who cares? We know and they know we kicked their butts in two wars for our independence. Get over the insecurities and grow up, America!

lol... People switching brands or boycotting Absolut are absolutely silly.

Boo-hoo... Absolut is creating anti-American sentiment. While the war in Iraq has bolstered American sentiment ten-fold... (Sarcasm, if you don't get it.)

Are you also one of these people that complain about the US being too PC? Where's your thick skin now?

Personally (bring on the thumbs downs!) I feel that if a company wants my money, they should do their best not to offend me with their ad campaigns.

Their "CYA" story and "apology" very much made me feel as if they were saying that I took it wrong, rather than owning up to what they did. Basically, they didn't apologize.

Were there not active groups campaigning for a return (sometimes volently) to those borders, then it would be less of a kick in the teeth, but there are, and it's a touch subject.

I agree with you, that it has nothing to do with immigration, and everything to do with sovereignty and appealing to misplaced nationalism.

I'm not one who feels America should dominate the World, but as I said.. if you want my money, your advertising department should think about who they are slapping with their "jokes".

It doesn't hurt my decision that Absolut isn't (in my opinion) a very good Vodka to begin with, so I won't miss it much. But they won't see a dime of my money from here forward.

Voting with one's wallet is, and always has been, a very effective tool, and one I'm not afraid to use. Lets see if their Mexican market share can make up for what they lose in the US.

what would you expect from sweden? intelligence?

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