Going to pub tonight - will i be asked for id?!

Question: I have been invited out to the local pub tonight in our small town.

The thing is im still only 17 (18 in 2 months) but the rest my friends going are 18/19 already - about 7 going.

I really want to go, but im scared in case i get id'd - that would be very embarrassing and would ruin the night.

The pub has bouncers on a friday and saturday, but do you think they would have them on a monday?

I wont be drinking. I just dont know if i should risk it or not. The pub allows kids during the day, but dont know what time till - as im going at about 8pm if i do go.

Thanks in advance.

Answers: I have been invited out to the local pub tonight in our small town.

The thing is im still only 17 (18 in 2 months) but the rest my friends going are 18/19 already - about 7 going.

I really want to go, but im scared in case i get id'd - that would be very embarrassing and would ruin the night.

The pub has bouncers on a friday and saturday, but do you think they would have them on a monday?

I wont be drinking. I just dont know if i should risk it or not. The pub allows kids during the day, but dont know what time till - as im going at about 8pm if i do go.

Thanks in advance.

Call and ask at what time they will convert it to 19+.
Usually it's 9 pm.

some clubs you can go in but if you order mixed drinks they will id you so call them and find out just in case they dont let you in you will know ahead of time

Do not go! A mistake at this point in your life could ruin your future.

I think you'll be fine....especially if you're not drinking. Usually, unless there's a live band playing or something special going on that night, they do not have bouncers on Monday. I think you'd only be id'd if you ordered a drink.

Do you really want to take the chance of getting punished now? You are so close to being legal and some places increase the age you allowed to drink if you break the rule.

You will more than likely be ID'd simply because you are already insecure about it... You'll really be nervous b4 going in... They'll see that. Sorry.

phone ahead and say what... r u going to card me? you're under age and don't belong in a bar. that's what the laws r for, to keep tennie boppers out. the owner could get fines, suspended license or even loose the liquor license because of you

No good things do not happen in nightclubs or pubs. Not a good habit to start. Life is too short.

yea I would just call and ask how late ppl under age can be in there, unless your friends that are under age will be drinking then I wouldnt call because then they will be keeping their eye oput for ppl underage, and if that is the case i dunno what you should do??

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