What amount of alcohol is in a 12 oz can of beer? In the U.S, in Texas.?!

Question: Guiness Extra Stout 5% ABV

Heineken 5% ABV

Michelob 5% ABV

AleSmith had it.

Answers: Guiness Extra Stout 5% ABV

Heineken 5% ABV

Michelob 5% ABV

AleSmith had it.

Beer, by definition, is only about 4% to 6% alcohol content. That would make it up to 12-proof.

if it were a strong beer with 5% (most are slightly less), it would have .6 ounces of pure alcohol in it

depends upon which kind of beer you are going to drink. there are some as low as 3.5 percent alcohol and there is one beer or it may be considered a malt that is 8.1 percent alcohol.

The beers you listed are in the ballpark of 5% ABV give or take. Most 'standard' beer is around 5%, lite/light beer is around 4%, craft/micro beer averages around 7%, and high-end or specialty beers can easily clock in around 12% ABV quite regularly with rare examples going as high as 25% ABV.

It depends. Beer varies greatly by style and by brand, as far as the alcohol content is concerned.

For the examples you gave...
Heineken = 5.4% abv (alcohol by volume - means 5.4% of the beer is alcohol, 94.6% is water and other ingredients)
Guinness (I assume you mean the Draught can or bottle) = 4.0% abv
Michelob Lager (regular Mich) = 5.0% abv

American/Canadian Macro-Industrial Beers (MillerBudCoors, Labatt, etc) are 5.0% abv for the regular versions, and 4.2% abv for the light versions.

5% is not a strong beer, as someone else suggested. That is actually quite standard. It's what we would consider a "session beer," because many can be consumed in one session without much negative effects.

There are many beers that are much stronger than that, particularly Barleywines, Eisbocks, many Belgian beers such as Trippels and Golden Ales, and many experimental US beers, such as...
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout = 18.0% abv
Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA = 21.0% abv
and the current Guinness Book of World Records holder for the strongest beer in the world...
Samuel Adams Utopias (v. 2005 and 2007) = 25.6% abv!

Hope this info helps...


Sorry, Guinness Extra Stout is 5.0% in the US. The Foreign Export Stout (not avail. here) is 7.5% abv.

alcohol content varies quite a bit, especially when you get in european beers - some are 7, 8 or 9%! usually US beers are 5-6%. the site below lists by brand.

2 %

Um, I would venture to say 12 ounces????? lol

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