Anyone know where i can buy clear bottles for cheap?!

Question: in big quantities?

Answers: in big quantities?

let me know what kind of bottles you are looking for. i work in the packaging industry and can give you quotes on just about anything that is glass, plastic or metal. we sell lids also.

I brew my own beer and have had good luck finding cheap/free bottles at garage sales and on Craigslist.

Good luck!

What kind of clear bottle? Plastic? Glass? Beverage container? Dressing/sauce container? Spray bottles? Squeeze bottles? Baby bottles?

Glass wine bottles will straight up suck to buy online due to shipping. All of the wine bottles I've gathered through years of homebrewing have been from contacting wine stores and local wineries. Both are usually pretty cool about parting with used bottles for free or putting in a bigger order of bottles for a price.

I don't know where you're from but given that you want large quantities for cheap I think your best best is going to be contacting a local winery and seeing if they'd be willing to let you pick some bottles up from/through them.

Try Ikea.

Good luck!

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