Do you think alcohol is important in a party?!


Do you think alcohol is important in a party?

alcohol make a person out so....

I don't think so. I've gone to parties where alcohol was there and I've gone to parties where alcohol was not there. We all had so much fun at both type of parties. I think, PEOPLE make the party if you ask me. Either that or I just hang around nothing but fun and exciting people overall. I also think that just as long as there is food, friends, at least punch or whatever, music and conversation and no drama (which alcohol is known to produce), you are destined to have a good time.

No alcohol isn't's the choice of guests....good company that is important.

My hubby would say that alcohol is important for a party because it isn't a party without.

So there are both of our opinions.

Moderation is the important thing if you do serve alcohol.

not really, but in these tough times where there are a lot of problems people just want to drink in ecstacy and forget their problems for a day or so...

Sad but true - it removes inhibitions usually exhibited by us humans - sometimes with bad consequences like DWI, rape

I don't think alcohol is important at all, if you have good friends and you have a good time, why ruin it with alcohol. I think it is highly overated. Though if you have some alcoholics in the mix they may beg to differ.

It would help if we knew why you were asking this question. Alcohol should never be "important" unless it's in a recipe. If you're concerned about the expense of providing alcohol, then have people bring their own and provide mixers and soft drinks. If you're concerned about the responsibility of serving alcohol with people having to drive or even problem drinkers, then just don't serve it. Your guests might not agree, but that's a chance you'd have to take. I've been lucky. My friends come in groups and the driver never drinks, or has one beer early in the evening and no more.

At a party there can be alcohol, but there need to be limits. For example small amounts of alcohol can help you relax, but some people go overboard and get drunk. Some people gets so caught up that they get alcohol poisoning, which can cause you to die. So no I don't think alcohol is important in a party.

no that can be dangerous and if someone goes home after that then they can get in a car crash and possibly die!!! is that what you want?

i agree with the other answerers.

alcohol is not important in a party.

i never drink. and still have a lot of fun. it all depends on the people around you. if you are comfortable with them everything will be alright. also you need a positive and cheerful attitude when going to a party. nobody wants someone sulking in a corner at a party.

No it's not important but atleast it's leagal. That is unless you drink way too many.

Depends on how old are the people at the party and what type of party it is.

depends on what type of party. (kids party, no way!)

it depends what kind of party. dinner party yes wine is considered- how about a party where people just come over too talk play cards watch movies i guess beer would be considered but not important .soda pizza good convo you can make it without alcohol.- bbq someones gonna bring alcohol lol i think most any party alcohol will be a big factor its different strokes for different folks i guess lol

If we are talking for a party for 5 year old kids,no it's not

Alcohol is very important !
BUT, one must drink responsibly. If you drink a little you get more loose but when you drink too much, you are becoming pathetic.
One must find the right amount for him to drink & enjoy

No, it should not be the main focus at a party. The reason people have a party is so you can get alll of your friends together at one time and enjoy each others company. Have a bonfire and toasted marshmallows or just all play some good card games


Yes, but only when the participants are legal or not alcoholics!

It's important to have at least beer and wine when you host a party, especially when you are serving food because wine can definitely enhance the flavours. If people don't drink then make sure you have other options.

it is important for the parties. it makes the party get on .

alchohol isnt important, but some type of drink is. iced tea or punch. but if the guests want alchohol then by all means give to em! cuz it makes everyone loosen up, especially the shy people!

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