“Is red wine really good for your health?!

Question: Good morning Jim

Red wine is the most heart-healthy alcohol. The skin and seeds of red grapes contain a type of antioxidant called flavonoids. It's believed that flavonoids help your heart by:

Reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol
Increasing HDL (good) cholesterol
Reducing blood clotting

Another antioxidant, resveratrol, is found in the skin of red grapes. Researchers believe that resveratrol can slow tumor growth in some cancers. They also believe it can help prevent nerve cell damage and help treat diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

According to a Canadian study, the antioxidants in red wine and grape seeds may protect against periodontal (tooth and gum) disease.

The dryer red wines had the most flavonoids and white wines had the least. My favorites dry reds are Barolo, Barbaresco, Chianti and Montepulciano D'Abruzzo.

Of course it is best if drinking is done moderately and with a meal. Drinking extra red wine won't give you extra protection. It may do just the opposite and give you new health problems.

Answers: Good morning Jim

Red wine is the most heart-healthy alcohol. The skin and seeds of red grapes contain a type of antioxidant called flavonoids. It's believed that flavonoids help your heart by:

Reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol
Increasing HDL (good) cholesterol
Reducing blood clotting

Another antioxidant, resveratrol, is found in the skin of red grapes. Researchers believe that resveratrol can slow tumor growth in some cancers. They also believe it can help prevent nerve cell damage and help treat diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

According to a Canadian study, the antioxidants in red wine and grape seeds may protect against periodontal (tooth and gum) disease.

The dryer red wines had the most flavonoids and white wines had the least. My favorites dry reds are Barolo, Barbaresco, Chianti and Montepulciano D'Abruzzo.

Of course it is best if drinking is done moderately and with a meal. Drinking extra red wine won't give you extra protection. It may do just the opposite and give you new health problems.

Not bad. Not good.

Yes it is good for the heart but only in moderation. So don't go drinking gallons of the stuff!

yes its good for your blood. just not lots of it
think it has antioxidants in it or something

it has been medically proven that it will improve your cardiovascular system.

however, 2 glasses a day is seen as the limit for it to be helpful before it starts creating harm.

don't drink excessively and avoid other alcohol mixing with it, as that will start a whole load of other issues such as liver problems, or eventually gout.

Yes , in moderation. A little of anything is usually a good thing, and a lot of anything is usually bad.

not really

Doctors say so.

yes it's good for your blood and your heart

It has been proven that in moderation it can help your heart.

Yes, SIR!

Substance in Red Wine Could Extend Life, Study Says:

try and this:

Ya if you only drink a glass a day....

Wine is good. Some hard spirits are good. Better beer is good. (This doesn't mean American Lite beer-swill).
The recommended daily allowance for alcohol is 2-3 drinks for men, 1-2 drinks for women. Any scientific study on the matter shows that drinking alcohol every day in moderation is better than not drinking at all. Obviously binge drinking is harmful, but that's not what we're talking about.
Interestingly enough, beer is actually better for you than wine. Here are just a few reasons why...
1) Darker-colored beers contain just as many antioxidants as red wine, but those contained in the beer are less complex and more easily broken down by the body... therefore beer is better, as far as antioxidants are concerned.
2) Milk Stouts and Cream Stouts and some other stouts contain Lactic Acid. Doctors often recommend small amounts of these beers to nursing mothers to increase lactation.
3) Hoppy beer has been linked to stimulation of certain brain cells, resulting in improved short-term memory (in moderate amounts). Hops, in general (as in all beers) stimulate brain function.
4) Certain beers are known to improve blood circulation and heart health. Alcohol, in general, is a blood thinner, so all types of alcohol, in moderate amounts, will prevent clotting.
5) Malty beers are good for the complexion and the hair.
6) Hop oils have a natural antibiotic.
7) Stouts (like Guinness) tend to be high in iron and are recommended by Doctors for blood donors and nursing mothers as a good source for replacement.
8) Brewer's yeast is known to be a rich source of nutrients; therefore, as expected, beer can contain significant amounts of nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and B vitamins
9) A 2005 Japanese study showed that low ABV beer helps to prevent cancer. (More recent studies by other medical groups support this, although I can't seem to find them at this time.)
Drinking anything in excess is dangerous. Actually, as far as the caloric content goes, a pint of good beer has fewer calories than an equal serving of orange juice, milk, soda, or any ready-to-drink juice. Also, the sugar content is MUCH lower than soda, since the sugars in beer are converted to alcohol and carbon dioxide during fermentation; therefore, beer is not detrimental to dental health in the way that soda and juice are.

Poster below - you're thinking of sulfites. Some suggest the sulfites in wine cause cancer, but I've never seen a study on the matter. It just doesn't seem to make sense, especially considering the small amount they contain.

Yeah but it also has its bad things. I know I'll get some bad voting on this but it's the truth. It has something in it that causes the cancer cell to arise in your body. Just don't over do it.

In moderation it's supposed to be good for the old ticker.

Studies have shown, that one glass a day is better than none, two is better than one - and three is worse than none.

Wine has a lot of trace amounts of minerals, that one doesn't get otherwise. Alcohol in small amounts help opening up the veins, thus helping the cardio-vascular system. Especially the elderly can imporve their blood-circulation by starting the day with a glass of port, or a shot of aquavit.
Brown alcohols (whisky, cognac/brandy) seems to have the opposite effect, closing the veins ..

Of course!!

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