What quenches your THIRST??!

Question: What's you favorite drink???
Soda, Juice, Flavored Water-be specific

I love a nice cold glass of Shirley Temple.

Mountain Dew Code Red is wicked good.

Answers: What's you favorite drink???
Soda, Juice, Flavored Water-be specific

I love a nice cold glass of Shirley Temple.

Mountain Dew Code Red is wicked good.

ice cold water.
andd a Monster

kangen water 9.5

grape juice!

a fuse!

Plain and simple, water.

Monster Khaos!!!


I like good old fashion water or gingerale.


vitamin water!

Shoe polish

Plain water..Boring but healthier in the long-run.
Best thing to quench your thirst and better for you!
Yes...I know. GAHEEK!

a nice COLD BEER *L*

The Easter Bunny came around at Easter passing out bunny ears and he asked me how many I wanted and I thought he said beers and I said Id take two *L*

Leamon flavored water or strawberry.

it depends on my mood. i quench my thirst with a glass of orange juice, a bottle of aquafina rasberry flavored water, green tea of anykind, or sometimes a diet pepsi. i go through stages with my drinks...sometimes i'll only drink tea and water all week...next week i'll drink only juice and water...week after that i'll have soda and water. it just depends on my mood.

Iced tea, with two packs of sweet n low.

when i really need to quench a thirst water is what does it.

Really cold water usually will do the trick

Gatorade, if you have a un-quenchable thirst maybe you are dehydrated, or need to be tested for diabeties!

Raspberry Tea on a nice,warm day at the beach =)


Uhhhmmmm.........lemonade smoothiessss!!!

I love an ice cold glass of diet pepsi

I just adore Shirley Temples too. But depending on my mood and the setting I just love margaritas, especially if they include a shot of Grand Marnier and have one of those cute little umbrellas. I also love plain old water with a twist of lemon.


i love to drink green monster! the taste is really satisfying and gives you energy. it is super good and i love it so much!!!

try blackbeer and lemonade ! a yorkshire made product which you could get at morrisons. only 160 pence a bottle. bargain i say !

grape drink


i prefer golden grain everclear, drink a nice glass every morning before work

i like drunken donuts coffee

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