What is your favorite dark beer?!

Question: Over the winter, I've gotten into drinking Porters and Stouts more than IPA's and general lagers.
what's your favorite and why?

thanks in advance.

Answers: Over the winter, I've gotten into drinking Porters and Stouts more than IPA's and general lagers.
what's your favorite and why?

thanks in advance.

I'm a fan of Double Diamond and Guinness - a few local micro brews do a Nut Brown (delicious) and one called Waterloo Dark that goes great with homemade spagetti. I'm a dark beer drinker mainly and I love the Porters-Jamiesons Porter is good and I've had a number of Chocolate Stouts (around Xmas) but none that has taken my fancy.

I love to experiment with everything but I stick to my faves b/c they have the best tastes for myself.

either Guinness extra stout or Sam Adams black lager

My husband loves Guinness and Sam Adams, especially their Winter Lager.

I always love an Oatmeal Stout!

New Castle

Well that's a no brainer! Guiness! It just feels like the right thing to do

Deschutes' OBSIDIAN STOUT ! It slaps you across the face with a rich bold flavor.

There's no choice but the Guinness choice. It's the world record best beer!

Forest Brown from the house of Whitbread.
If you want to know why, I think the taste is out of this world. I'd rather have a brown ale than a stout any day.

Samuel Smith make quite a few brown ales & oatmeal stout that are quite good.

Saranac make a wonderful Black & Tan.

Anything by Rogue is GOOD!!!

I think my favorite so far is probably Founder's Kentucky Breakfast stout. I can't find it where I live, but I was lucky enough to get to try it at a beer festival. I love imperial stouts, they're opaque black like motor oil with a thick, tan head. Great sipping beers for those winter months. Stone Russian Imperial Stout, Victory Storm King Stout & Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout are all also amazing.

From a micro-brewary around here...its called

Arrogant Bastard

and it is fantastic beer!

Stone Brewery's Arrogant Bastard and Double Bastard are both good

Rogue's Dead Guy

Anchor makes a good porter as well

My favorite style is bock, preferably the bock I brew myself. My favorite dark commercial beer is Turbo Dog, from Abita Springs.

Mmmmm... I like Both Shiner Bock And Fosters...

Black & Tan brewed
by Yuengling:
America's Oldest Brewery -
right here in Pennsylvania!

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

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