Why do we have to be 21 to drink?!

Question: I can understand stupid people but that is there loss if they get drunk so i think that we should be able to do what they want because we are responsible for our actions so why?

Answers: I can understand stupid people but that is there loss if they get drunk so i think that we should be able to do what they want because we are responsible for our actions so why?

That is a good question. We can be 18 to get ourselves killed by fighting for our country, but must wait to be 21 to drink.

fly down to good old Calgary, Alberta in Canada the legal drinking age there is 18

Idk, I think its sooo stupid..
In other countries like England you have to be 18

Its a bunch of bullsh*t

not in england

Because we live in a nanny state.

Puritanism and dumb law making

Well, the government doesn't think we're responsible enough until we hit 21. Unfortunately, its always the stupid ones that ruin it for everyone.

Maybe, just maybe because it's the LAW?

Because, that is the law.

If your point is that you are mature enough to drink, it might be getting lost somewhere in your bad grammar and inability to express yourself in writing.

Because you have to draw the line somewhere and drinking is not glamorous

21 is when people feel your body can deal with it

idk. i dont see why. teenagers drink anyway.

I actually think people should probably have to be a little older - maybe raise it to 25. I've seen waaaaaaaay too many dumb 21-yr-old drunks (myself and my friends included) to even think about pushing the age any lower than it already is.

Its the law.

In states where the drinking age was lowered to 18, teens deaths due to alcohol related accidents increased significantly.

because innocent people die everyday because of drunk bastards everyday that ask this question. don't ask yahoo answers this question, ask the 10,000 teenagers who die every year from people who drink.

YOU DONT HAVE TO BE 21 TO DRINK... you just have to be really careful cuz its against the law haha

because teen agers are unstable enough

Yes responsibility is key. But already you go to any place in the USA. There are already underage drinking and many times these kids things they are invulnerable to everything. Next thing you know people die for Binge drinking or Drunk Driving.

There are some very stupid and irresponsible people out there.

You dont HAVE to be 21 to drink... Legally though, I believe its because the body is considered to be fully matured by 21, alcohol leads to most cancers, so not starting till your 21 is supposed to be a health deterrent.

haha legal drinking age in canada is 19

well some people say, the younger/smaller your body is, the quicker you can get drunk. they dont want peolpe dying this young. im 14 and i drink and i get drunk of 1 beer ;P

I know - it's completely retarded. I'm from Ireland & we don't have that prob but when I go to America I can't go out to clubs even though I've been drinking in Ireland for 6 years!

Because old important white guys in suits thought it sounded like a good number.

B/C its the law. I agree with you however. You can enlist in the military and fight in a war at 18. You can also make an important decision and vote for a president at 18 as well. However you have to wait until you are 21 to drink a beer. It should be changed and I blame the parents if the kid becomes a drunk.

I feel you, I think it should be eighteen. You're an adult at eighteen. . I think you can handle your alc. by then.

Maybe they think that by 21 you're more mature. . but I don't see any difference, lol.

We should all write to congress! lol

You can't drink before 21 in the USA because someone decided to make it law. Here in the UK it is 18 unless your having a meal which makes it 16. I think but I am unsure that the USA is one of the highest countries which means your waiting longer. In France it is 14. Just the way life goes.

because of all the teenagers drinking and driving as it is... even with the legal drinking age being 21 everyone is already doing it.. so i guess who cares what the legal drinking age is.. if you want to drink but cannot do it a club or bar,, get drunk before you get there.. me im 24 but ive been drinking before i was 21.. everyone does it... so dont pout about the drinking age if it bothers you that much, dont follow it.

i am 21 so i can drink. but, i think if you can go into the military at 18 you should be able to go to the pub and have a beer.

ok so you can either go to canada to drink at 18 or mexico and drink when ever...or get oldr friends and have them supply you...i am almost 20 and have an older bro 21 and friends who i drink with, all who i trust, we stay at each other pads and drink...never go out, sometimes i drink with a uncle who trusts us to death...it all bpends if your trustworthy or not and how responsible you are

Depends where you live

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