How to remove alcohol from your breath. have heard a few ways.?!


How to remove alcohol from your breath. have heard a few ways.?

I have heard that a combination of activated willow charcoal and bentonite clay will remove alcohol from one's breath and possibly reduce a BAC reading on a breathalyzer. Can anyone confirm or say they have heard this too?

you should simply not drink and then you would not have a problem

I've heard it but it dosen't sound tru just go home and brush your teeth about maybe 5 times and then chew gum

My Dad says always eat a handful of peanuts before you leave the bar to cut the smell of the alcohol. Even if it is only one beer. P.S. Please don't drink and drive.

i know one way....u have like 9 or 10 beers, then when u leave the bar u get into your car and plan to drive home. then you go like 20 mph over the speed limit and run into the car in front of you (which is carrying a mom and her 3 small children). you kill the mother and her children are then orphans. thankfully, you survive and live the rest of your life behind iron bars! that should work!


Cough drops, preferably Halls mentholatum - the cherry ones.

there really is no way to do that ... those things are pretty accurate... you could just make a distated driver.. when ever we go out.. i usually end up being the dd.. even though i love to drink just like everyone else i am with.. but i love my car and freedom more than drinking... find a few Buddy's to party with and take turns being the dd... the dd can drink maybe 2 or 3 drinks.. through out the night.. and the last 2 hours before it is time to leave they switch to cokes

only problem with charcoal & clay is you'll puke your guts up if you swallow any of it.

Lets get one thing straight. NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!

If you are just wanting to get rid of the "quick pint before you face the wife", then all I can suggest is forget the pint of beer.

Beer/wine etc lies on the gut, not the breath, so there is no real way of getting rid of it.

Trust your intuition if you think by doing this you will get caught don't do it cops think the same sa you and me and its all commonsense

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