How much alcohol do you drink in a week?!

Question: And do you lie about it if someone asks?

Answers: And do you lie about it if someone asks?

I only drink on Saturday nights.
But i have no idea how much. Just as much as it takes before:
A) i have no more money
B) I'm passed out on the floor
or C) Some one drags me away from the alcohol.

It's not sensible i know. :( But that is the truth, no lies from these lips! :D


more than i should

about 2 bottles of wine a week at the weekend

depends whos around, if i'm alone all week probably nothing, if my husband is here, half a bt of wine a night.

I usually only drink a couple of beers on the weekends.

dont drink mon - fri - every other week have a few (hic..)

Sometimes i don't drink for weeks, just depends on how I'm feeling.

None! No need to lie it`s the truth......

maybe 1ltr of Jack Daniels (i drink that all the time) and between 5 - 10 pints lager, no i cant lie about, my friends are always there :)

Probably about 2 pints. I'm not much of a drinker.

Why lie? unless your partner dun like you to drink.. myself depends..on occasion(bdae paries etc)... :)

i usually only drink on fridays and saturdays but when i drink on those days i mix liquer with beer. on a night i'll drink atleast a half liter of bacardi, jack daniels, or something else that is 80 proof and usually along the ride ill have about 10 or 12 beers.

if i'm at a big party it's a different story. i start the night with a one liter or e&j cuz it's cheap. then i pay 5$ to get into the frat party where it's all you can drink beer. i'll have atleast 10 and then i buy 4-5 shots or jello shots cuz they're only a dollar

Normally about 1-2 drinks per week, but last Saturday I had about 10, LOL. My cousin was getting married, open bar at the reception...

none, boozers are losers.


7-10pints if am at the pub with pals

Probably 5 - 6 glasses of wine

I don't drink any as I don't like the taste of most drinks that contain alcohol. I prefere a can of pop or a glass of juice. I don't make a secret of it.

at least 4 tins a night.

I just say a lot!

Coz it is a lot but it isn't actually telling them how much.

if i go out for a night then one or two otherwise i dont drink anything all week sometimes i go out and dont drink though

Too much, and no i don't lie whats the point

None for weeks and weeks.

Not as much as I would like, I tend to spill more than I drink.

I don't drink on a weekly basis, I drink on occasion. And no, I do not lie about it.

a can

I don't drink much, i'll have a beer or something on special occasions. But that's about it.
I don't really need to lie.. lol

None as I have a condition that makes me really sick if I drink alcohol

i love to drink but not wine i love some 40's and yeah i would only drink on weekends about 2 a night hehe i love myself.....

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