What is your favorite complex drink?!

Question: When it comes to mixing different spirits, what is your fave cocktail or complex drink? Where did you try it out for the first time?

Answers: When it comes to mixing different spirits, what is your fave cocktail or complex drink? Where did you try it out for the first time?

A Caesar! It's a Canadian drink, but I think other parts of the world have finally caught on. I remember going to the US years ago...the bartender would give me this strange look...then he would shake his head when I told him what was in it!
Clamato Juice (also Canadian), which is a mixture of clam and tomato juice. Vodka, Tabasco, .a dash of Worcestershire sauce..and a stalk of celery...and oh yeah...the rim has to be dipped in sea salt. Essentially it's a Bloody Mary...the only major difference is the clamato juice rather than tomato juice, but that's what makes this uniquely Canadian drink so tasty! The American spell check wanted to change clamato to climate...LOL.
Mott's Clamato Juice:

Mojito....Key West

minum susu

I dont drink much the only thing i do like is jack daniels with a coke or jim bean and jose cuervo

Long Island, Sex on the beach and cosmos! Tried them all for the first time on a cruise years back...Sh*ttiest hangovers but delicious drinks :)



A blue mother f*cker. thats what the drink is called. had a million of em in Spring break this year.

Ramos Gin Fizz

1 1/2 ounces Dry Gin
1/2 ounce Lemon Juice
1/2 ounce Lime Juice
2 Tbs. Cream
1 Egg White (fresh)
1/4 ounce Seltzer Water
1 Tbs. Powdered Sugar
3 to 4 dashes Orange Flower Water

I first had it at a cocktail bar in NYC called Milk and Honey. I asked for the most complex drink known to man. It takes a good 10 minutes to make because the eggs have to be shaken very thoroughly with the heavy cream to dissolve fully It's delicious though. It has the consistancy of a milkshake and tastes like a creamsicle. Better be good for $15 !!

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