Help!!!!!!!! hangover rememdies please!?!


Help!!!!!!!! hangover rememdies please!?

get that pill from a drug store that take away hangovers. drink lots of water and bananas.

Take tylenol, drink a glass of water, and go back to bed =)

time cures all hangovers

I found that drinking any liquor with water like gin water or your favorite liquor helps reduce the hangover because you are still hydrating your body with the water. Make sure you also eat before you go to bed. (and by eat I mean something with substance....not taco bell)

Go get a container of Hot and Sour Soup from your local Chinese takeout ..... my son swears by it !!!!!!

Well..i was at the drugstore the other day with my dad and i noticed this stuff in a red and orange box it is called chaser helps with your hangover or it helps so you dont get one!!

I hope my answer helps you..please reply back with a yes or no if i did? [=

Eat some crackers, drink water, take a tylenol, and move slowly. Also avoid hot spicy foods or really rich foods, both of which will make your stomach feel pretty awful


You don't want to add injury to your liver, and Tylenol is very harsh on the liver, if you need a pain medication, then Advil would be a good choice...

As for the hangover, replenish missing fluids, increase your water intake, find a nice quiet place, and take it easy, your body will do the rest...

Hope it was a fun evening...

the best thing is to drink plenty of water or sports drink to help with your dehydration. and try to eat something to get some food in your system. nothing heavy though....even though i always go for greasy food (but thats just me).

Before going to bed, drink a tall glass of water and have a few crackers with honey on them. The water will help rehydrate you, the crackers will absorb some alcohol and the sugar will help get alcohol out of your system quicker. Also avoid Tylonel as it has caused liver problems when taken after alcohol is consumed. Take 2 advil with that water as well to keep any headache at bay.

So the basics of avoiding a hangover is water bread and sugar with a little advil

Try drinking plenty of water, it will help with the hang over. Also you can try black coffee(decaf)

when you drink heavy in a nite i recommend taking B12 right b4 u go to bed w/ a glass of water. if you take it before you go to bed, the B12 makes you hyper active, so make sure you are about to past out or you'll be up for awhile.

If you have the hang over now. drink a bloody mary then drink gatorade the rest of the day

drink water to get fluids back in your body and have something with salt on it to get the salts back in your body.hangovers are caused by dehydration of the body caused by alcohol

next time take three aspirin before you pass out and you will feel fine when you wake up

more liquor. if that doesn't float your boat-mcdonald's cheeseburger and a coke. and more rest. once you get over the worst of it, start drinking lots of water and aspirin.

have some more alcohol and it will be normal . just chilled man

3 great hangover cures

lots of water, a couple aspirin, and maybe a beer. also try 7up or pepsi to settle the stomach. if u have the shits try imodium AD and tell people to leave u the **** alone til u feel better!

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