When you smoke a cigar how do you not inhale?!

Question: dont you inhale the cigar in?
i dont understand

Answers: dont you inhale the cigar in?
i dont understand

With a cigarette, you suck the smoke into your mouth, pull the cigarette out, and inhale through your mouth, which mixes air with the smoke and pulls it down into your lungs. With a cigar, you suck the smoke into your mouth, pull the cigar out, but you don't inhale the smoke all the way down to your lungs. You either blow it out, or you pull it down your throat a little, just far enough so you can blow it out your nose.

And you can go ahead and pull cigar smoke all the way down into your lungs, but it is kind of strong, and will give you a nicotine buzz after a few inhales, and more than that will make you dizzy.

I hope this helps. Feel free to write if you have more questions!

Jusr don't smoke.

Hell no- just go and try to inhale one lol. I don't really 'get' the point of it either. So... smoke cigarettes instead!

You suck in the smoke & let it sit in your mouth. You can suck it in just part way (mouth only)

Not inhaling takes a little practice. I've inhaled a few times, and gawd it sucked big time! Talk about hacking up a lung!

Sometimes, with Colts or other skinny cigars, I can inhale, but Coheba's or big cigars, I have to remind myself not to inhale.

Kallie girl is right, you let it sit in your mouth, however...
don't suck in the whole drag if you do try to do that.
Suck in, hold it in your mouth, let half seep out slowly and then slowly in hale the rest into your lungs. I love the taste of cigars when I inhale a bit. Just don't inhale the whole drag, or drag small at first and try it that way. Cigars are to be fully appreciated and you take your time with them.

You do not inhale cigars... period.
Cigars are much stronger in taste and body than cigarettes. Unfortunately, I smoke cigarettes - which is a filthy habit - but I've also enjoyed premium hand-rolled cigars for about 12 years now. The key is to just puff on the cigar. Eventually, you will learn to take a bit of smoke into your mouth and let it out - but never drawing it into your lungs. You'll cough like a fool if you inhale a cigar, and will most likely throw up as well.
Keep in mind that I'm talking about good cigars.
Those "cigars" you see in 5 packs and at the counter wrapped in plastic at the gas station? Those are not cigars. They are an insult to cigars. A real cigar is hand-rolled, high-quality, full leaf tobacco, with no chemical additives. That crap at the gas station has just as much additives and chemicals as cigarettes do. They are also machine-made with scrap tobacco and stems. Not quality.
Find a good tobacconist and enjoy yourself. Cigars can be a relaxing and rewarding experience.


No, NO! When smoking a cigar you gently pull the air in swirl it around in your mouth and release! Remember to let the cigar rest about 30 seconds between puffs for a cooler smoke!

if your not swallowing the smoke...
or blowin' out thro your noise your good....

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