Does anyone else like to drink beer then pass out for an hour?!

Question: To me it's like sleeping soundly for 8 hours. I'm talkin about drinkin a couple with friends and then restin for an hour, and later on goin out to the club or bar or whatever fully rested. Or just nappin on a Sunday.

Answers: To me it's like sleeping soundly for 8 hours. I'm talkin about drinkin a couple with friends and then restin for an hour, and later on goin out to the club or bar or whatever fully rested. Or just nappin on a Sunday.

No I dont do it on a regular basis but I have before and I know what you mean. As long as you mean to take a nap and dont just pass out it is some relaxing sleep.

I like to have about 10 beers then fall asleep. But i dont wake back up for a while.

Whatever makes you feel good as long as you're not driving while your drinking!

lol hell no
once im passed out i dont get up unless its a MUST!

Yea it's a pleasant feeling, doesn't happen often though. I mix hardout so that could be a reason why

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