What is your, favorite alcoholic drink?!

Question: Mine is a, rum and coke.

Answers: Mine is a, rum and coke.

SNAP!... I prefer a white rum though..the dark ones give me headache.

Tecate Beer

I've developed quite a taste for gin and tonic...with a slice of lemon...mmm

sex on the beach



probably a pint of lager boring I know!

a strawberry or lime margarita


Whiskey Sour

i love a cold bud, but that gets too gassie after a while i then go on to double vodka red bull Mmm!

it's the best x

Appletini NAW just kidding its Bicardi and coke

Mine is palinca, a traditional romanian alcoholic drink made of plums and it has 60-70% alcohol. I also like absynth.

tooheys new a good aussie beer

patron silver. bar none.

Definitely a Rose Martini (at News Cafe) - tastes like Turkish Delight - YUM.

rose martini : smirnoff red vodka shaken with monin rose syrup and fresh cloudy apple juice. garnished with rose petals to create a silky smooth taste sensation. no woman is complete without one!

mine is similar its 151 up coke back

A Large Gin and Tonic BUT it has to be Bombay Gin and Schweppes Tonic....lots of Ice and Lime not Lemon !!!


I don't drink alcohol, but I believe it is a good antiseptic.

That is also my favorite.

Oh, coconut rum is good with milk! Don't know about rum and milk though; I might try it!

rum & coke, rum and ginger ale, rum w lemon & lime, straight rum, rum and milk.... nah wont do rum and milk- will drink straight before that, but my dad loves it.....

Morning/midday; Gin & Tonic, Lunch; Red wine, Afternoon Single malt, Evening; Large glass of vintage port and/or Kummel with loads of frappe. Going to bed; coffee and Baileys/Kahula.
Somewhere in between; Large Bloody Mary.

I once got stopped by the police driveing. He asked have you been drinking? I ran off that list. He said "i am going to have to breathalise you, sir"
I said "Why, don't you bloody believe me?"

For all you rum people, have you tried rum & pep (peppermint cordial)?

vodka coke is not an alchohol

gin swirled in a martini glass, and then dumbed.

poor gray goose in the glass

dunk three plane pitted green olives on a stick into the glass.



Jack and Coke
Crown and Gingerale
Long Island Ice Tea
Kettle 1 and Cran
Purple Haze

Disaronno Amaretto, chilled, on the rocks, with coke, etc...

It is so good!

Favorite Drinks to make:

Long Island Ice Tea:

1/2 oz. Vodka
1/2 oz. Light Rum
1/2 oz. Gin
1 oz. Triple Sec
1-2 oz. Sour Mix
1-2 oz. Cola
Lemon Wedge

I don't put Tequila in mine...

Vesper (007 James Bond's Martini):

3 oz. Gin (usually Gordon's Gin)
1 oz. Vodka
0.5 oz. Lillet Blanc or Dry Vermouth
Lemon Twist

Shaken...not stirred..and served extra chilled.

Top Shelf Margarita, Rox, Salt:

1 1/2 oz. "top shelf" Tequila
1/2 oz. Cointreau
1/2 oz. Grand Marnier
1/2 oz. Rose's Lime Juice
3 oz. Sour Mix
Rim glass with salt and add a Lime Wheel. Sometimes I just go with an ounce of Cointreau or an ounce of Grand Marnier depending on the customers preference. Or if just making a regular margarita go with regular Triple Sec in replace or the Cointreau/Marnier.

Favorite Drinks to Drink:

Rum and Diet Coke:

2 oz. Bacardi Superior
4 oz. Diet Coke

Good for watching the weight/dieting.

Captn' N Sprite:

2 oz. Captain Morgan
4 oz. Sprite

Tastes like Cream Soda.

French Vanilla White Russian:

1 1/2 oz. French Vanilla Kahlua
1 1/2 oz. Vanilla Vodka
Fill rest of glass with French Vanilla Creamer or Half & Half

mmmmmm.... so good.

I like rum once in awhile. But I'm more of a Tequila girl. I just adore Margarita's. Then again, a couple of shots of Tequila, along with a few twists of lime and a shaker of salt and I'm quite content.

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