Did you see the absolut vodka ad about Mexico overtaking the U.S.?!

Question: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080408/us_n...

Everyone in the U.S. should stop drinking Absolut and boycott it for good. There are better vodkas anyway dont. you think?"

This Mexican thing has gotten out of hand. Look at Mexico and the dirt roads. If Mexico still had California, Utah, and Nevada we would have dirt roads and coruption. If I am wrong then look at Mexico and if tell me that the U.S. would be different. How is this possible?

Answers: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080408/us_n...

Everyone in the U.S. should stop drinking Absolut and boycott it for good. There are better vodkas anyway dont. you think?"

This Mexican thing has gotten out of hand. Look at Mexico and the dirt roads. If Mexico still had California, Utah, and Nevada we would have dirt roads and coruption. If I am wrong then look at Mexico and if tell me that the U.S. would be different. How is this possible?

Perhaps there was no negative intent involved in the ad. I can't imagine Abso Vodka stabbing themselves by offending us Americans. It's simply a poor marketing choice,being that Americans are living out the consequenses of the out break of illeagal immigration. My grandfather migrated from Mexico in the 20's(leagally). He learned a trade, and how to read/write,and speak English before arriving in the U.S.(he probably knew it better then, than I know it now). He refused to teach us offspring the "old langauge", because it was from the "old country". He said,"I am no longer Mexican, therefore I will no longer speak Spanish." He was proud to be an American. As far as the response made by that naive female realstate agent about our prisons; please excuse her for she's had her nose in realstate manuals for the last 20 years and has been ignoring society meanwhile. PreMadonna, get with the FACTS and figures before opening that sushi hole of yours. Try Google'ing anything regarding Latino's in L.A.,Ca., or U.S., but have a barf bucket ready. For our Spanish speaking friends are here,... and they're not going home(except on weekends to take non-returning cash out of our country).These people don't know any better. They're crippling our economy with ignorance. The problem I have, is with the "Mexican Pride" thing. Again, they're acting with out much or any thought, when waving "their" flag. So let's stop, and make a clear acknowledgement, "They wave a flag, that represents a country that let them down so, that they risked their lives to flee from?" They ought to be waving the American flag for providing opportunities for a lifestyle that they would never live back home. Acknowledgement #2, They want to take back the land, that once was taken from their ancestors? They would still flee over the border, for the American $ and way of life. Think of this. If the U.S. never existed, and Mexico occupied the territory, would Mexicans stay out of Canada? I think not.

get over it. the ad is funny. like we don't have ridiculous ads here.

Why should we stop drinking Absolut?

Don't you get the ad? It's not about Mexico overtaking or invading the US. Geesh... get out of your bunker and start thinking.

Absolut was first distributed around 1849.
The map was pre-1849... This is the world before Absolut.

Do you get it now?

Are you the type that also complain about the US being too PC?

Why are you being PC on this point?

Get a clue! Geesh! Whiny little girl.

Edit -
What's funny is that people complain about illegals. Yet, it's American business owners that hire illegals. In fact some states have really cracked down on the ag industry to the point where crops go unharvested. At the same time, "Americans" are complaining about lack of jobs. Hmmm.... Seems like American would rather play on the x-box than pick crops for $15/hour.

Why is it people like to forget about the truth. In case you do not know your history, this is a map of when all that territory belonged to Mexico until the United States "invaded" and took over the land by force. You cannot be offended by something that is the truth! Check your history books! Get over it, people!


Wow, shows how racist people can be...Mexicans not making our streets safer???? I'm sooooo sorry, I forgot...other people besides Mexicans do not commit any crimes....Looks like the media is been lying to me for years!!!!!!!

I love Absolut Pear.

They said the ad was only for in Mexico but people in the U.S. became aware of it. That map was one from around 1848 (and before the spanish/american war). I wonder how many uneducated people in Mexico thought it was a 'here and now' reality.
Those who designed this vodka advertizing ad really aren't the sharpest tacks in the box.

It makes me embarassed to be an american, the way people are over-reacting over a silly little ad that isn't even meant for them.

If anything, the ad is offensive towards Mexicans who are reminded that this land once belonged to them, but no longer does?

I live in Los Angeles (the actual city of) and I think i'm the only white person here, so please stop with your racist BS before someone gets ticked off and decides to take it out on the only white chick around.

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