How did this grey goose trend come about?!

Question: I have taste tested over 50 different vodkas, and grey goose is not special or extraordinary by any means. Why is it so cherished? Do they have better marketing or something? I just don't get it.

Answers: I have taste tested over 50 different vodkas, and grey goose is not special or extraordinary by any means. Why is it so cherished? Do they have better marketing or something? I just don't get it.

grey goose is promoted by bacardi, its promoted to be expensive and exclusive and better tasting.
and people believe what they hear.

The trend is to ultra premium liquors. It is not stopping anytime soon. Get ready for $500 bottles of vodka that make Grey Goose taste like Goose Poo.

Maybe all that vodka tasting has peeled off all your taste buds. Its always about the marketing.

Grey Goose...Chilled is all I will Drink..and I don't care for alcohol...Different taste Buds...

the thing that really gets my goat is when people order grey goose and some sort of mixer. ie, cranberry, oj, tonic.ect. if you are going to splurge on expensive vodka why do you want to ruin the stuff by mixing juice with it. you could drink kamchatka and not even know the difference. sorry, that wasn't really an answer, that was more of a rant.

Probably started with some rapper rapping about it, similar to patron, Cristal, Dom, and hennessey. I dont really know about the taste, but i think Goose seems to be more pure, because I dont have as bad a hangover the next day after drinking goose compared to other vodkas. Thats about all i notice.

I like Smirnoff Vodka way better than Grey Goose. They do have alot of marketing and maybe its because it's bottled in france....imported. I dont get it either buddy.

Recently rated the number 1 vodka, 96 points by the Beverage Tasting Institute, and awarded the only Platinum medal. Forgetting the scores, you'll love this vodka! Made in the Cognac region of France

Introduced in the USA in 1997, Grey Goose Vodka has won many awards since then. It's a wheat vodka, which is most popular these days and is 4 times distilled, which is the sign of a premium vodka.

Wine Enthusiast gave it a 90-95; and the Beverage Tasting Institute gave it 96, both on a scale to 100.

Plus, it's made in the snooty area of Cognac in France.

The rest is Marketing...

I much prefer Chopin for a potato vodka and Belvedere for a wheat vodka. And Hangar One if you are interested in flavored vodkas.

Also, try Ciroc - which is distilled from grapes - and has a very different taste - it almost has a sweet finish.

If you are going to have a mixed drink, Absolut or Stolichnaya or other decent vodkas are acceptable. However, if you are going to have a vodka martini, I find that no vodka other than Grey Goose is acceptable.

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