A question for the ladies: When you go to a bar, do you drink typical girlie drinks?!

Question: Or do you drink what we guys drink which is beer and bourbon?

Answers: Or do you drink what we guys drink which is beer and bourbon?

no girlie stuff for me...nice cold Heiney!! maybe a Jack on the rocks.....yummmmmm

Nope, I can't stand fru fru drinks. Just beer for me. I don't do hard liquor or anything either. Just beer.

i drink stella artois mmmmmm

depends on my mood.....

and the food....and also the company and kind of outing....

if its like all my frnds and a casual thing...I'd go for beer or a whiskey...
if its a girlie night out, then its all cocktaily....and parties would mean vodka....

i like having girly drinks, but i like beer and wine too....

hennessy with a cherry coke on the side!

I drink tuaca and bud lite lol or shots of tequila! WOOOOHOOOO!

I like a cold beer sometimes, but I really like champagne, wine, margaritas, cosmo's...... I believe we girls have contributed to the "girlie drink" stereotype. I can admit I do love a fancy sweet drink now and again and a couple of cosmo's definatly get me drunker than a couple of beers- and it tastes better too!

I like a Black Russian.

I like beer. Good beer though, like a good lager or ale, not Bud Light or anything gross and cheap.

Depends on the day and my mood. But if it is beer, it is cold and straight from the bottle

No, Im a bud light chic!

Sometimes I'll order a girlie drink and other times I'll order a beer. Amstel Light. I don't like bourbon. I'm not much of a drinker. I just go with how I feel in terms of what I order. I don't care if someone else wants to criticize it or comment on it. So what. It's a drink. :-)

I usually go straight for the jack daniel shots. After a few of those, THEN i'll return to something girlie or a beer. Definitely gotta go straight for the throat first!!

I usually drink Sex on the Beach with an extra shot of Vodka or a rum and coke
Or whatever shot my other girls are drinking!!
I like the Sicilian Kisses and Lemon Drops!

I like a martini before dinner and wine with dinner.

Unless it's cold outside - and then I'll have a scotch.

If I'm at a sports bar watching the game, I'll be drinking beer.

I only drink "girlie" drinks when I'm in a foofy sort of mood. Otherwise, I'll have a good microbrew, whiskey on the rocks (preferably Bushmills or Jamieson), or perhaps a simple drink like Tanguaray & Tonic or an extra dry Grey Goose martini. Occasionally I'll have a glass of wine.

No girlie drinks for me. Give me an ice cold Bud Light in my right hand and a Jim Beam and Diet Sprite in my left. And I'd also like a shot of Goldschlager -- or a Kamikaze -- every now and then as well!!!

depends on the bar and my mood. i might have a martini or a grey goose on the rocks with lime if it's a fancy place and i'm feeling snooty, or if i'm feeling like a dirty girl, i'll have a margarita. but it's usually beer and bourbon.

I don't drink beer. I also get captain and coke

If I'm at a bar that serves good beer (which, unfortunatley, is unusual in my neck of the woods), I prefer beer. Otherwise, I'll usually drink a gin or bourbon-based cocktail (Rickeys, Gimlets/Manhattans, Old-Fashioneds, etc.). I prefer dryer cocktails as opposed to really sweet ones.

pint of fosters

I'm a beer kind of girl. Not the cheap crap either but a good hefe.

Hell no!!! Just beer - Shiner to be exact. Total beer girl here. Hate frilly drinks.

if we went to a bar, I would get a beer, cause it would be a miller night..esp if someone else was buying,,I wouldn't get a 10 dollar drink!!

I like bourbon, rum, and most hard alcohol. Either shots or with coke or dr pepper (it depends on the liquor). I really like Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan and Jagermeister. And Long Island Iced teas are really good.

I used to drink beer but I can't handle it very well, and the taste is just gross to me. So I go for the hard stuff. And my girly favorite is Amaretto, either straight, on the rocks, with coke or with sours.

I also love wine and sangria, but I don't ever drink these in bars. It is more of a comfort thing so I drink it at home with my boyfriend in intimate settings.

Teguila is my choice when I drink...

When I go to a bar I will usually have screwdrivers and Long Island Tea and for a treat I will have apple pucker shots and Cinnamon hot piece of a-ss shots!

i usually have wine, mostly red, sometimes beer depending on where I am at, or I ask the bartender if they have any new favorite drinks they are testing out. i usually only do that at bars that I frequent and know the bartenders. they like to try stuff out.

beer is for baseball games.

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