Bud Light Lime?!

Question: A great innovation like Miller Chill or a horrendous blasphemy that will get the CEO's smoted?

Answers: A great innovation like Miller Chill or a horrendous blasphemy that will get the CEO's smoted?

Ick! Another good reason for people to support their local microbrews and the indy brewers

why cant people just drink some straight up beer these days. get a good beer like Sam Adams,

The only beers that should have lime are the cervezas like corona and tecate and dos equis....bud light tastes just fine without any added flavors!

A horrifying blasphemy! Remember Zuma? Why oh why do the beer companies think people want this stuff. If you're going to drink beer, drink a beer. Gimmie a Heineken any day.

Never cared the for the taste of beer, or the smell for that matter. I'll skip the beer all together and go for a hard lemonade or hard cider.

It sounds disgusting.

Hmmm.... not sure. I drink Shiner. Bud gives me a headache from hell.

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